Stupid Customers


Well-known member
Okay this is a mini rant/laugh at really stupid/rude customers thread. I apologize if there is already a thread like this or if it is in the wrong spot...I searched and nothing showed up.

Let me begin by saying that I work at a Dairy Queen. It's just a couple blocks away from a middle school so we get lots of middle schoolers when school gets out. So this group of middle schoolers come in and are just RUDE! Not one of them said "please" or "thank you and they were loud and obnoxious and just plain annoying. Okay whatever. The kids are still at DQ and my shift ends.

I'm hanging out in the lobby, waiting for my ride chatting with a friend. Then my manager comes out to bring one of the kids a cheeseburger. Now, I hadn't noticed but one of the kids smeared ice cream all over a table. My manager freezes in her tracks and asks who did that.

Complete silence.

She asks again and one of the kids timidly admits it was him. Then my manager basically told him to gtfo and never come back. My manager is also a very, very nice person. Oh, was I trying not to laugh.

I just don't understand some kids these days. I can completely understand them being kind of noisy, and hanging out at a fast food joint after school, but to flat out have zero respect for other people's property and then talk DOWN to an employee...that's just completely beyond me.

So. What are some of your stories?


Well-known member
I don't have a rude customer story (Im sure I do in my past), but at my job, my clients always like to blame me when they go to court for probation violations. As if it's my fault that they didn't follow through with their probation and now they have to go to court and pay fines, etc. Wahhh wahhh wahhhh, ya know what I say? Folllow probation then.

One time, one goes "This is all because of YOU telling my probation officer I wasn't coming".
I said, "Well maybe you should have kept your appointments with me and then I Wouldn't have had to tell your probation officer"

GOD it gets me so heated.


Well-known member
I completely agree about disrespecting the property! I've seen so many groups of young kids defacing property or making a mess and then they get defensive if they're questioned about it?
Idgi, that shit was never cool among my friends..i don't know when that came into fashion as a sign of rebelling against "i'm gonna pay for some icecream with my own money and then waste it spreading all over a table"...ooh, very bad. lol


Well-known member
I dont know whats wrong with people today!!

I worked retail for a while. When i worked at American Eagle, i found an icecream cone thrown on a table! If any of you shop there ofen you'd know that some of the table tops aren't perfectly flat, they're slotted, kinda like decking, so the ice cream got ALL in the slots. It had set and was a sticky disguting mess.
People spilled there coffee everywhere and didnt clean it up, or would just leave it on tables. In fact i was at mac this week and thw woman in front of mew left her empty smoothie glass onthe other side of the cash. How lazy are you??? just ask the SA at the cash if she can pitch it for you!!

One time at AE a woman let her dog poop in the store and then ran away.
When i worked at anotehr clothing store (Smart set) someone left there used sanitary pan in the changing room.

My best friend worked at a kids clothing store. One mother was letting her kids climb up the shelves on the walls, and before anyone could say otherwise they all came falling down. The mother grabbed the kid and ran for it. Another time a little girl pooped in a bathing suit she was trying on. They ran out of the dressing room and pitched it at the SA behind the cash.

People a messed up.


Well-known member
Yesterday this girl paid for her stuff with a girft card and there was about $6.00 left on it so she gave me some gum and candy to ring in so she could use up the rest of the gift card. I told her she was up to $5.45 because I figured she just wanted to come as close as possible to spending the whole gift card without going over, but when she handed me some more candy and said "okay, keep going" I thought she must've wanted to use up the whole card and then just pay the difference. So once I scanned everything she passed to me and swiped the card I told her she owed around $4.00. She started flipping out calling me an idiot, saying stuff like "I told you I just wanted to spend what was left on the card!" I really had to bite my tongue to stop from saying "and you also told me to keep going after you reached $5.45!" I don't know what year she thinks this is if she expected to get two big bags of m&m's and a pack of gum for 55 cents.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BarrelOfDonkeys
I don't know what year she thinks this is if she expected to get two big bags of m&m's and a pack of gum for 55 cents.

Haha, yeaaah.

I work in a... how to describe it... Well, we sell all sorts of stuff, from raincoats and gumboots to mattresses and foam and different kinds of rubber (we're a rubber/foam/pool store mainly, relatively large chain store here in NZ). I get so many rude people, who are just so cheap and ridiculous and will swear at me because the price of soandso has gone up so much since 19?? when they first started buying stuff from there! Seriously?!?!?! Omg!!!

Maybe if you were still getting paid $3 an hour like you were then I could see the issue, but you're not, so stfu. Good old retail. I quite like it usually, but every now and then... Thursdays are the worst, I'm glad I don't have any for three weeks.


Well-known member
This is nothing compared to the high school I used to attend. The kids were so wild and vulgar. You just have to remember that these are just kids and I'm not speaking up for this kind of behavior, I'm mean what do you expect from middle schoolers?

I'm glad the manager made an example out of that kid though...


Well-known member
I was chatting with a friend of mine online and when she asked me if I still worked at "the zoo" I thought she was teasing me about my retail job. It turns out she had just mistaken me for another friend who really did work at a zoo. I told her yes anyways.


Active member
these are actual situations from today...but they seem to happen everyday... i work in a retail pharmacy.

"i want to pick up my prescription" -did you call in a refill?
"no...but im out and my plane leaves in 2 hours and i need it" -there's no refills..
"you should have known to call the doctor and get it! why do i have to call you every month for a refill!"

"im here to pick up a prescription for Amy" -ok...what's the last name?
"uhh..i dont know. she just told me its here and to pick it up" -well you have to have this information in order for me to know who it is you're picking up for
"amy....tall girl with short brown hair...ummm..i dont know anything else..all i know is i cant leave without it or she'll be mad"

"20 minutes to fill my prescription?!?! omg i've never had to wait that long before!! hmmm....let me think....i dont know if i should wait......hmmmm....." -10 minutes later....
"ok - i think i'll wait for it! Why does it take so long???" -bc you just wasted 10 minutes of my time talking to me about the wait time!!! and not only that - you interrupted me every 2 minutes asking me if its ready when you see me helping the line of people that formed behind you!

*sigh* thanks for listening to my vent, that felt so much better.... =)


Well-known member
Wow thanks everyone for your replies, Mabelle I can't believe someone would take a crap then leave o_O;;

I also hate when people bitch about prices. I know DQ definitely isn't the cheapest fast food but really, if you don't like it how hard is it to go to McDondalds? Oh and don't talk to me about it, I'm not a friggin' manager or even a shift leader.


Well-known member
Eh... I saw this little girl with ketchup packets, then she put the packets on the ground, and then she stomped on it and the ketchup squirted everywhere!! This was at a fast food burger place. Her mom obviously didnt care so i went up to the little girl and said, would you do that in your own house? i bet you wouldn't so why are you doing it here? She cried and went to her mom and the mom came to "lecture" me and i told her off.


Well-known member
Alright, since it's right before Christmas, it sees the crazies come out to the mall on a more frequent basis. These are just situations I've dealt with in the past DAY:

- A lady wanted two hoodies for her son that were part of the Buy One Get One Free sale last weekend. This weekend, they're NOT a part of the sale but she wouldn't quit asking me if I could give her the promotion anyway on the two hoodies she wanted. After explaining for the fourth time that I couldn't give her the promotion, she leaned across the counter at me and yelled "YOU ARE A FUCKING C**T AND I HATE YOU" then left. My boss started laughing when he heard that, and I did too once she was gone.

- A man wanted me to void a transaction from two weeks ago where he received a gift card for the amount of money that we owed him from a return. The man used his credit card for the original purchase, but when he made the return, he didn't have the card with him. Per company policy, he got a gift card. Fast forward a few weeks, and he's upset with me that I can't do anything for him. After ten minutes back and forth he finally says "Well, the only reason you can't do it is because you're not even a manager. I want to speak with the manager." My response was "Sir, I AM the manager, and I do not appreciate being spoken down to. Would you like me to explain to you again why I CANNOT void that transaction for you?" His face went all red and he left.

- Three times yesterday, people tried climbing up our walls to get stuff done. Couldn't ask the employee who was five feet away if they could get it down, oh no, they had to CLIMB UP THE WALL themselves. Guess what happened? Yep, clothes everywhere. The only people who offered to help pick it up was the woman whose 8 year-old son tried climbing up the wall because he "wanted to help out Mommy."

I just have to keep telling myself, it's almost over. January 5th, all the kids are back in school.


Well-known member
in my old job i basically had to approach people in the street and get them to sign up for a where always a nightmare....

once there was this kid that kept screaming "MUMMY I DONT LIKE HER!!" "MUMMY I DONT LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE HEEEEEEEEEEER!!!!!!!!!!!!" then he grabbed the pram with his baby sister in it then ran down the road screaming "MUMMY I DONT LIKE HEEEEEEER!!!!!!!!!!" i was just gob smacked! ...i guess he didnt like me lol

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
well I've had customers who werent particularly tolerant of my deafness but luckily I've got awesome co-workers.

tell you what drives me mad is the pompous old man that comes in every day to buy one sandwich (prepackaged) and demands a bag. It's so fucking pointless demanding a bag for a sandwich that he's about to eat therefore throwing the bag away *grrr*

What also annoys me is that when im on the sit down till (im a cashier in a grocery store), people demand I bag the stuff, I'm happy to do it if they're not capable themselves but these are the people that can do it and just want to be entitled.

I really hate people like that so i do my best to avoid the sandwich guy because i feel like screaming at him. :|


Well-known member
The funny thing seems like most rude customers think that by being an ass they've accomplished crushing our self-esteem, and that we're just going to cry in a corner after they leave. They don't realize how much we make fun of them. Geeze.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by just0lovely
these are actual situations from today...but they seem to happen everyday... i work in a retail pharmacy.

"i want to pick up my prescription" -did you call in a refill?
"no...but im out and my plane leaves in 2 hours and i need it" -there's no refills..
"you should have known to call the doctor and get it! why do i have to call you every month for a refill!"

"im here to pick up a prescription for Amy" -ok...what's the last name?
"uhh..i dont know. she just told me its here and to pick it up" -well you have to have this information in order for me to know who it is you're picking up for
"amy....tall girl with short brown hair...ummm..i dont know anything else..all i know is i cant leave without it or she'll be mad"

"20 minutes to fill my prescription?!?! omg i've never had to wait that long before!! hmmm....let me think....i dont know if i should wait......hmmmm....." -10 minutes later....
"ok - i think i'll wait for it! Why does it take so long???" -bc you just wasted 10 minutes of my time talking to me about the wait time!!! and not only that - you interrupted me every 2 minutes asking me if its ready when you see me helping the line of people that formed behind you!

*sigh* thanks for listening to my vent, that felt so much better.... =)

OH GOD, I used to work at Walgreens Pharmacy. WORST JOB EVER!! I hated this:

Me: This will take about 30 minutes to fill, did you want to wait or come back?

Uh, your choice is to wait, or to NOT WAIT and come back later. Idiots!

And my favorite at my job now. I work at a hotel, in JAPAN.

People think they can call 1-800 numbers for free FROM JAPAN. That is a United States number. When you call it, it says a recording that it is not a free call outside of the United States.

Two people now have had a calling card with a 1-800 number on it to call to use the card. They call the 1-800 number from their room, then they put in the card info and the number they're trying to call. So not only do they end up with a $70 phone bill on their room, they use up their calling card.

They get mad at me because I didn't tell them they couldn't call 1-800 from the room, when they didn't ask me in the first place, and they ignored the warning recording about it not being free.

You aren't in the U.S. so why do you think it's free to call a U.S. number!?


Well-known member
I worked at baskin robbins as my first job, my worst stories are from there.

One time around Christmas, this woman came in with her 8-ish year old son. She was wearing this god awful knit christmas sweater and the boy accidentally got some of his sundae on her sweater. She dumped her entire sundae on him, and was like "how do you like that?" and stormed out. I had to clean up her mess and comfort and clean up her sweet kid who was all like "i don't know why she gets so mad at me." Her husband came back hours later to pick him up. I feel so bad for that kid to have such a psycho mother.

This other time, I had rubbed the tip of my nose (it was a weird habit I used to have) and this lady screamed at me, "oh my god, you just picked your nose!" in front of everyone in the store. I said " I did not!" and she looked at me and pointed to her kids, saying "these kids' father has cancer, are you trying to kill him!?!" The kids looked at me like I was evil so I washed my hands and I was so humiliated that when they left I went to the back and cried.

The worst I think is when people trash the place because they just assume it's part of your job to clean up but they don't realize that when they act like pigs, they make your already shitty ass job so much harder. It's just rude.