Super Orgasm?


Well-known member
that sounds exciting! Orgasm has been in my wishlist for a while but i never bought it, now that there is extra gold flecks in it i want it more than the regular one!


I don't know, the original orgasm was too shimmery for me. But maybe they'll make the gold flecks bigger so it's more glowy like angelika?


Well-known member
Ooh interesting. Orgasm was my love for a long time, used it everyday (even hit the pan!) so I can only imagine how pretty this new one must be!


Well-known member
Orgasm was my least favourite NARS product....I left it behind in a restroom practically new. It doesn't even make a good highlighter for me either, and its too sparkly and not really a natural colour. Hopefully, they will make the "super" kind less orangey, add a little brown and rose.

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
... wouldnt that just be gilda topped with luster?

if i wasnt a compulsive NARS collector, id pass ... but alas i have a disease


Well-known member
I am definitely interested. Orgasm didn't really show up on my so I would love to see something bolder.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kuuipo
Orgasm was my least favourite NARS product....I left it behind in a restroom practically new. It doesn't even make a good highlighter for me either, and its too sparkly and not really a natural colour. Hopefully, they will make the "super" kind less orangey, add a little brown and rose.

if Orgasm was less orange, and more brown with wouldn't be would be a different colour. It seems nothing is wrong with orgasm, its just not the right colour for you. Didn't you try it on before you bought it?


Well-known member
Boy, they sure know how to milk something for all it's worth, don't they? But, I'll still check it out (being as I actually have a Sephora store to go to now). I find that the regular Orgasm is a bit to shimmery for my liking, this probably won't fly with me either.


Well-known member
Sign me up for this one! I love orgasm. My only wish for the current product would be for more of the gold to show on me so this sounds perfecto!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
I am definitely interested. Orgasm didn't really show up on my so I would love to see something bolder.

Same here.
Originally Posted by cassitassi
I don't know, the original orgasm was too shimmery for me. But maybe they'll make the gold flecks bigger so it's more glowy like angelika?

I agree. The regular one is already way too shimmery for me too!


Well-known member
Mann sooo not fair. I really wanted orgasm to work out on me, but IT DOESNT WANT TO SHOW UP!! I went through 1 orgasm blush in 4 weeks because i had to apply a ton of product and it still didnt show.. I think im a tad too dark..