Sweet story from MAC counter last night!


Well-known member
I was at the MAC counter last night. A grandmother brought her 16-year old granddaughter in for a makeover. She was going to a homecoming dance, and had never worn makeup before. The MA used Pen 'N' Pink, Shale and Babied, among other things. The girl looked really fresh and pretty. Once the MA was finished, the grandma said, "We'll take everything you used. And the brushes!" When they got to the counter, the grandma added a cosmetics bag and signed her up to attend the MAC Pro Tour Brush seminar! She left with the biggest MAC sack I have ever seen! What a sweet grandma!


Well-known member
Great story! Grandmothers are great, and not because they buy you things. I really miss mine.


Well-known member
When I'm a Grandma...I'm gonna do those things too! I treat my daughter-in-law like this now. It's Awesome


Well-known member
thats so sweet!! my grandma was like that too, always buying my brother and i toys all the time and giving us money. i really miss her so much. she passed away when i was 12. (i am now 39)


Well-known member
Wow, what a sweet lady and such a lucky granddaughter! I only get $20 bucks from my grandma..hehe..but I still appreciate it though. However, I would LOVE for my grandma to be like this!


Well-known member
What a cool grandma for taking her to the MAC counter!


Well-known member
Aww. Stories like that make me smile.
I always wanted to be the cool cousin or the cool aunt that would take me little cousins or nieces out for a girl's day out! ... and what do I have? Little boys for nephews and cousins >_>"


Well-known member
That's so nice. I hope that girl truely appreciates how lucky she is. And not just for the material things but that her grandmother took the time to do something so special for her and that they shared a very special first in her life. She will always remember that time.