Tattoos at Sephora??


Active member
Hey all! i was just wondering if anyone knows from working at Sephora if any visible tattoos are allowed?? i have one on my inner wrist(not too big) and one behind my ear. I have a group interview soon and REALLY want to work there! Should i cover them? PLease help!



New member
Hey there hun! I used to work at Sephora years ago and that I recall, they aren't extremely strict with tattoos. There was a manager at my store that had one on the back of his neck and it wasn't an issue. I wouldn't worry about it. Plus the one on your wrist will be hidden most of the time since you would have to wear those long sleeve black jackets (if you end up working at Sephora of course). Good luck dear!


Well-known member
It probably depends on the store and how tightly it's run, though official company policy is no visible tattoos - they need to be covered with make-up if they peep out of your clothes.

I guarantee that on visit days (when bigwigs tour) you'll have to cover them though.

But it doesn't sound like yours would be hard to cover with clothing or hair, assuming your hair is above your collar. (If it's longer, it needs to be pulled back.)


Well-known member
I Was Just In Sephora, And The Girl Who Worked There Helping Me Had A Thin Ace Bandage Wrapped Around Her Wrist And I Asked If She Got Hurt And She Said No Sephora Law, No Tattoos. So She Had To Cover It. I Would Say Cover It With Makeup If You Can Or Buy One Of Those Bigger Bandaids Ot Cover It For The Time Being


Well-known member
Originally Posted by N2Cherries03
thanks! any recs on what type of makeup to cover it up with??

Is it black ink? hwo big is it? honestly, if its something fairly small (which i assume since its on your wrist) i would use a good liquid foundation that is full covergae, then concealer over it, then a full coverage powder like studio fix (maybelline pure stay cheaper version, i love this stuff) for a quick groupt meeting, i think it would be fine as long as you dont flash your wrist around.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by N2Cherries03
thanks! any recs on what type of makeup to cover it up with??

There's a line called Cover FX that's supposed to be super-camouflaging foundation. I haven't tried it myself but I remember that they used to advertise it could cover up tattoos.

Good Luck


Well-known member
I have to say, I am surprised that Sephora is so strict about tattoos, or any makeup company for that matter. I think as long as the employee is dressed professionally, looks the part, and the tattoo isn't offensive, it shouldn't be a big deal if a tattoo peeks out of the sleeve. It's not like working in a conservative corporate office, it's a creative field. Lots of pro artists have them. Hell, I even see people with tattoos at my local Safeway.

I'm sure it has something to do with people complaining about it, though.


Active member
its actually a cute tat, and not offensive at all (a moon with stars falling down and my moon sign, yellow and purple ink) and i just realized i said wrist when actually its on my inner forearm to be exact..and its as big as if you make your index finger and your thumb and make an "L"....i think i might just go in without covering it, its me...if they cant see past it then it just shows me they wont let me be creative and it might not be somewhere i want to work for afterall....thank you everyone for your feedback!


Well-known member
i workedd there and alot of the cast members (employees) had visible tattoos.. but you will be wearing a jacket so it prolly wont show as much


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
I have to say, I am surprised that Sephora is so strict about tattoos, or any makeup company for that matter. I think as long as the employee is dressed professionally, looks the part, and the tattoo isn't offensive, it shouldn't be a big deal if a tattoo peeks out of the sleeve. It's not like working in a conservative corporate office, it's a creative field. Lots of pro artists have them. Hell, I even see people with tattoos at my local Safeway.

I'm sure it has something to do with people complaining about it, though.

The dress code is fairly strict overall - the idea is to foster a very specific look I think.

But again, there might be differences in the way the regulations are administered/enforced in different Sephoras, and even between the US and Canadian locations.