Teen weddings!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous


? This is beyond trash... poor girls


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous



What's with these people and teenagers getting married at 16?! That's really.... sad.

I'm at work now and really try hard not to LOL while reading through the rest of your replies... This is hilarious.


What is the damn point of having £100,000 wedding and then living in £18,000 caravan?

I LOL'd so hard.. I can't believe that there even exists that kind of people


Well-known member
What's making me laugh is the part where she says that her father has been saving for ages, in order to afford this wedding. So what does that entail? Have they been saving since she was 14? How far back does this wedding go?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
What's making me laugh is the part where she says that her father has been saving for ages, in order to afford this wedding. So what does that entail? Have they been saving since she was 14? How far back does this wedding go?

I'm guessing that these wedding are such a big deal, that the father started saving for it when she was young(er). Perhaps instead of a college fund, they started a wedding fund?


Well-known member
This is aimed at no one in particular but Wow, I usually don't bother to comment on threads/posts that I don't agree with. Boredom has got me stirring the pot today I guess.

How are all these narky comments different or less offensive to the ones the Spanish vouge girls posted a few months back on their forums about the FOTD's of our members?

In the words of my bro "Negative opinions are like an asshole, Everyone has one & no one wants to hear it"


Well-known member
Wow.. she's quite the classy lassy, isn't she?

I just don't understand how someone can live in basically a trailer park (isn't that what they refer to as 'caravans' in england?), work their asses off and save up all their money just to blow it on a ridiculous wedding like this. It's just insane. She looks like a hooker, and that dress is hideous. Way to blow all your cash, daddy.


Well-known member
I thought Dad's were supposed to be overprotective?...omg and does the girl have IMPLANTS TOO??? In my honest opinion this is a slight variation of child neglect/abuse...'we met when we were 13' ??!?? CHILD NEGLECT.....ew the groom has a chin curtain! And the dad is 35? TRAILER TRASH!!!


Well-known member
I just wanted to post my two cents, I really disagree with every negative comment in thread.

Travellers are different to what the uk would typically call a gypsy. Families own pieces of land and all live together on it, so you will be living on the same land as your parents, aunts, uncles, brothers, cousins, etc... They don't travel the country squatting on land illegally. When children get married they move into a new caravan or mobile home on the land. They aren't poor, its not what you would call a 'trailer park', anyone can't just go and live there. This is their culture. It is always the fathers that pay for the weddings and they don't marry or even date non-travellers.

It may not be mine or your perfect wedding, but this is what the bride wanted. You may not like what she is wearing, but she does. They have a different view of beauty to what I do, but who are we to say they're wrong.

She's sixteen, and has had her dream wedding. Whats so wrong with that??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
It's like she's being eaten alive by a dollop of whipped cream.

that made me think of the killer blancmanges from monty python.

i like the bride's shoes. that's all i will say about this.

to each his own.


Well-known member
I understand it's a different culture and all, but it doesn't take away from the trashiness. That's my opinion and I have a right to it.. negative or not.

And dressing 9 year olds up like prostitutes is wrong, I don't care what walk of life you come from..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by emeraldjewels
She's sixteen, and has had her dream wedding. Whats so wrong with that??

the part where she's sixteen.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by talste
This is aimed at no one in particular but Wow, I usually don't bother to comment on threads/posts that I don't agree with. Boredom has got me stirring the pot today I guess.

How are all these narky comments different or less offensive to the ones the Spanish vouge girls posted a few months back on their forums about the FOTD's of our members?

In the words of my bro "Negative opinions are like an asshole, Everyone has one & no one wants to hear it"

There is a huge difference, this is people's commentary on an article that was published in newspapers. Obviously this family wanted the attention because they allowed news photographers to be present and allowed them to publish the pictures in national papers. It's the same as any news article that is posted here be it about politics or whatever and people post their opinions.

That is quite different than going to a closed forum, taking people's pictures that were not given permission to be posted on other sites, and trash talking on other makeup community. I think it's not really comparable.

Miss A

Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
She looks older than 16 to me..maybe its the make up? Or the way she is dressed?

that is what i was going to say she looks way older with all that nasty chub around her orange belly, her face also looks older maybe her parents let her smoke? well with some ppl they consider fancy or classy to pile on EVERYTHING you have that you think is nice well then you just end up looking like DORIS from dancing with the stars!!

Miss A

Well-known member
Originally Posted by talste
This is aimed at no one in particular but Wow, I usually don't bother to comment on threads/posts that I don't agree with. Boredom has got me stirring the pot today I guess.

How are all these narky comments different or less offensive to the ones the Spanish vouge girls posted a few months back on their forums about the FOTD's of our members?

In the words of my bro "Negative opinions are like an asshole, Everyone has one & no one wants to hear it"

well we are commenting negativly because we dont agree with the idea of a tacky expensive teen wedding, does that answer your question?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
the part where she's sixteen.

IMO there's a lot worse things she could do than marry her long term boyfriend, with her parents permission.

Originally Posted by Miss A
her face also looks older maybe her parents let her smoke?

At 16 your old enough to smoke in the UK (not that I like it, smoking is bad bad BAD)

Originally Posted by Miss A
well we are commenting negativly because we dont agree with the idea of a tacky expensive teen wedding, does that answer your question?

You may not agree with her wedding, but its no reason for all these very offensive insults.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by emeraldjewels
I just wanted to post my two cents, I really disagree with every negative comment in thread.

Travellers are different to what the uk would typically call a gypsy. Families own pieces of land and all live together on it, so you will be living on the same land as your parents, aunts, uncles, brothers, cousins, etc... They don't travel the country squatting on land illegally. When children get married they move into a new caravan or mobile home on the land. They aren't poor, its not what you would call a 'trailer park', anyone can't just go and live there. This is their culture. It is always the fathers that pay for the weddings and they don't marry or even date non-travellers.

It may not be mine or your perfect wedding, but this is what the bride wanted. You may not like what she is wearing, but she does. They have a different view of beauty to what I do, but who are we to say they're wrong.

She's sixteen, and has had her dream wedding. Whats so wrong with that??

What do they call it in the UK? j/w...and I'm pretty sure it's the tradition of every culture that the dad pays for the wedding..And not everyone's culture is necessary 'good' or a means of an excuse...I just had to comment because I absolutely do not understand when someone refers to someone's culture, when sort of creating an excuse for someone...her culture is tacky...tacky is obviously her def. of beauty so in theory most people's coments aren't entirely negative and in fact she may take it as a complement. It's also really hard to argue over something that is immoral, which in any case has a limit to being defined as one person's opinion. There are things that are actually immoral and there are things that are tacky. If you wanted to argue that it is just my opinion that her wedding is tacky and immoral then you would be arguing that nothing has a true definition and you are lacking in your philosophical concepts. Or in other words your being ignorant. This wedding is far too blantantly the epitome of 'insert negative comment here' to not comment, you can't blame anyone for the negative comments! And lighten up a little we aren't calling her a stupid cunt or anything, and I doubt she'll be on here reading all this...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
What do they call it in the UK? j/w...and I'm pretty sure it's the tradition of every culture that the dad pays for the wedding..And lighten up a little we aren't calling her a stupid cunt or anything, and I doubt she'll be on here reading all this...

Firstly, we have have family friends who are travellers so I do take a lot of these comments to heart (I might be at fault for that, but its just the way I am). Its not just a general tradition of all weddings for the brides father to pay, the brides father pays for everything, and I literally mean everything. No one else pays a single penny, not the bride, groom or grooms family, it is always done this way.

The land travellers live on is owned by them and is more often than not worth millions, and in my opinion the term 'trailer park trash' does not apply to them.

I understand that everyone is entitled to an opinion, including me expressing mine and I just feel a lot of these comments have been out of order.


Well-known member
Honestly I can't belive how much these people are being ripped apart here. Critisizing her weight, her boobs, everything about her is just kind of mean. If that girl posted her photo up for her wedding makeup/outfit on the FOTD forum would you honestly say these kinds of things to her?? If they want to get married young in a big ol tacky, colourful, garish wedding - and it makes them happy then who the hell cares? Life is too short to care about the opinions of other people so you might has well enjoy it while you can. They found love and happiness - good for them.

I got married when I was a teen and I wore a purple tie dyed, silk dress with shiny, bright red sneakers and I will never regret it. I had so much fun it's one of my happiest memories