thank god for guys who let me do their makeup


Well-known member


Well-known member
I think I love doing makeup more on men than women. I don't know why.

Half the time they don't care what you're doing to them. The other half will really care. And a small portion will be fashionistas. The good thing is they all leave with their makeup on.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
lol thats cool, i managed to put lipgloss and iridescent loose powder onto my boy cousin Max lol, took alot of persuasion haha

hmmm idk why us women are always tryin 2 put MU on guys, perhaps its b/c they hate it lol


Well-known member
I can't see the picture, but it reminded me of today when I forced brandon to let me put makeup on him. I love their panicked faces as they realize that water alone won't take it off hahahaha.