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Thank you for SMOKING!! 1st TUTORIAL!!! WOO HOOOO!!


Well-known member
Here's the goods (click thumbnail to enlarge):

MAC Studio Tech NW 15
MAC Select Sheer Pressed Powder NW 15
Nars Bronzing Powder

Eyes (all mac):

Shadestick in Shimmersand
Satin Taupe
Black Tied

Amber Lights
MAC Smolder e/l
TIGI BlondeBrown
Drugstore Prestige Liquid Liner
Lash Blast Macara

MAC Blush:

Brushes 272, 217, 219 and TIGI

Stripdown l/p and gel lipstick

Now here we go!!

Forgive me, I needed to resize my oversized pics, so now you will need to click the thumbnails after reading explanations...
I started w/ a clean face, filled my brows with TIGI BlondeBrown,

and put on my Studio Tech, Pressed Powder, bronzer and contouring

Blended the contour, added my Springsheen and there's the skin!

I put on the shadestick and put satin taupe in the creases of my eyes in the windsheild wiper motion:

Then I added Black tied to the lid only and blended:

I took the same 217 with the Satin Taupe on it (didn't clean or wipe off) and swept some Amber Lights where the blending comes together, and added some vanilla highlighter on my brow bone:

I lined the top of my eye with my Prestige Liquid Liner and did a bit of a wing tip, then I lined the bottom of the eye with the Satin Taupe:

After smoking out the bottom corner with Black Tied, I applied my new fav mascara, LASH BLAST!!! then did the lower waterline:

After the eyes are completed, I added Stripdown Lip Liner and my favorite, Gel Lipstick:




Well-known member
I love the way you have explained and pictured that and I love the look!!

I dont think I have black tied, might be a next purchase...


Well-known member
Like I said in the FOTD section, this is SO gorgeous, and I love the way you did the TUT! It's unique and one of my favorites, honestly!
I wish I had all these MAC colors because if I did, I would do this look tomorrow! LMAO. (Maybe I can find dupes.)

Great job.