the last 2 months..


Well-known member
I've been extremely busy hauling my little heiney off! So far, this is what I've acquired from August 1st until today:

-Snob l/s
-Sandy B l/s
-Pretty Please l/s
-Love, Henri l/s
-Bendel Girl l/g
-Lightswitch l/g
-Spring Bean l/g
-Lull l/g
-Lightning l/g
-Well Dressed blush in pan (my pot ran out)
-Blush palette (oooh so pretty to look at haha)

I just bought Lull and Lightning today as a little retail therapy to nurse a broken heart..the heart's still broken but the lips are lookin' great! (Thank heavens for Fast Response Eye Cream!)


Well-known member
Great lippies!!

Hope that heart gets to healin soon... nothing like makeup shopping THERAPY