The luckiest week ever!!!


Hey, i'm new!

I interviewed for a postion at the MAC counter at Macy's on Monday. I did great and got a second (demo) interview on the 22nd. YAY!!!

Then, today, I went to another counter at another Macy's in my area just to buy some stuff. The MA helping me happened to be the counter manager and as we were ringing up my stuff. She asked me if I had any retail or customer service experience. I told her yes, I actually work at Clinique now. She asked if I would like to apply to her counter because she LOVED my makeup.
I explained that I have a demo interview coming up at the other counter. She said to see how it goes and if nothing comes of it, I can apply at her counter. She gave me her card and told me to call her in a few weeks to let her know if I was interested.

I am absolutely goofy giddy today!!!!