The Ornamentalism Glitz glosses- the glitter is only on the top?


Well-known member
The glittery stuff in these glosses is only on the top or is it throughout the gloss?


New member
If they're anything like the Glitz Glosses that came out with Rebelrock, the glitter ought to be throughout. It'd be such a shame (not to mention a ripoff) if they only dusted it on top instead of mixing it through this time around.


Well-known member
The greatest concentration of the glitter is on top and as you go deeper into the product, the concentration is lessened. This is a good thing though because too much glitter is just too gritty. I have Girl's Got It and I only use it as a lipgloss. It is very sheer, not to sticky and although it has the glitter, it is not over the top with it. If the new Glitz Glosses are the same, it is definately worth looking into for a possible purchase.


Well-known member
I haven't seen them in person yet, by my MA claims that this time, they "sandwiched" more layers of glitter into the gloss. I won't swear on it, but that's what she said!


Well-known member
I looked at them on Tue, not the same, less glitter. They have the overspray still like the rebel rock ones, but the rebel rock ones go throught too only smaller glitter, in the ornamentalism ones, I noticed I oculd barley see the glitter once wiped off, and I warn you they are dark, and very pigmented. Wasn't for me, I'm sure will like them, shame too, I really wanted the red one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by girlzippy
shame too, I really wanted the red one.

Oh darn! I really hope I like them, as I was really looking forward to the red one too, from a description I read somewhere here on Specktra, about it looking like "Dorothy's Ruby Red slippers"...