the verdict on my headaches


Well-known member
so as i've posted before, i get very severe headaches, and there had been a possibility i had a brain tumor, or a very severe problem.

recently i went to the chiropractor (on a whim really, we weren't sure what he'd be able to do) and it turns my neck is just barely strong enough to even support my skull. a head weighs 8 lb, and i can press 8 lb with my neck. this is crushing one of my nerves, and this is what's causing my headaches.

i thought i'd post this because though it seems like bad news, it actually isn't, as this is something that can be fixed (and is being worked on.) i wanted to keep you all updated and share the good news because i am so glad it is something fixable, and not something more severe as previously though.


Well-known member
going to the chiropractor helped with my migrains too, my neck seizes up too much and can cause them.
I'm glad you found a way to help with the headaches, I know I struggled for a year or so before I got them under control.


Well-known member
holey moley! well it's a relief that you know what's up...good luck to you. hope those headaches are taken care of soon.


Well-known member
I had severe headaches too. my b.f suggested going to his chiropractor. turns out I have no muscle strength(my muscles have all shut down) at ALL on the left side of my back and neck.. due to a hurt knee several years ago.
its really strange all the tests he did , but I was relieved to know it wasn't something extremely serious, like you said, a tumor or something else


Well-known member
Chiropractors ROCK! I love mine he is so good and friendly and I am not at all nervous whenever I go which is great compared to what I am going to the doctors or whatever...

Although he can't fix my migraines
...he did fix my tension headaches though....until I had to leave town for school again


Well-known member
that's awesome news! I'm so glad to hear it wasn't anything scary like a brain tumor! Good luck on your treatment and I hope your headache goes away soon!


Well-known member
I am so happy to hear it isn't something more serious
Chiropractors really work miracles so hopefully your headaches will clear up soon.


Well-known member
I love my chiropractor. I get headaches constantly, and it's because I'm prone to inflammation in my neck and shoulders. I see him once a week, and it's definitely helped me! Glad to see that the reason for your headaches *wasn't* something serious.


Well-known member
Wonderful! That is great news. I think this calls for a hippified group hug.


And some dancing bananas!

And lest we not forget


Well-known member
I love my Chiro. She figured out what was the matter with my knee. Although she can't completely fix it, it puts off my need for a knee replacement for about 5 years (which still only leaves me at 29 years old), but that's better then getting it now like they thought.

I'm happy for you though. At least it's something that is fixable!!