"There She Glows" FOTD :)


Well-known member
You are beautiful... very pretty eyes too!! You sure do glow girl


Well-known member
Very pretty!!!

Hey, what font is that you used on your pictures?? I *must* have it! LOL


Well-known member
Ohmygoodness! All of your nice comments are so overwhelming!
Thank you, everyone! I'm so blushing right now! Sorry I've been outta pocket for a few days. I've been pretty busy the last few days. Well I'm off to answer all your questions!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by talk2mesun
you look fantastic!

ps...i would love to know more about your braces if you are willing to share. they look so unnoticeable, and i need to get braces badly. if you feel like telling me about them pm me or reply here please!!! <3

What would you like to know? Well I'll just wing it!

*WARNING* Having braces SUCKS! And is not fun and exciting.

Okay, well 1st, they are expensive -costing me an arm and a leg and 3 fingers! The clear/tooth colored braces cost more (few hundred more). I've been wearing 'em for 8 months (will be 24 total). They are a PITA! Seriously! In the begining, I had to learn how to talk all over again. My mouth gets all cut up b/c of my wires and such. Feels crowded in my mouth... I can't eat certain foods (curry, gum, doritos, etc), so eating is not as fun... I have to cut/break my food into small pieces cuz, I can't bite into anything (pizza, burgers), so I don't eat as much. I have to brush my teeth after every meal. Flossing is a pain cuz it takes longer. I feel like I can't close my mouth "right"- as in getting my lips around my braces! I know, sounds bad, huh? I even had to get molars pulled to make everything fit...I have to wear rubber bands in my mouth and that really rains on my parade. Hurts too. Everytime, I go for my appts, it hurts and I think that I should not have gotten braces! and I wonder if there is a way I can return them and get a refund... But nothing lasts forever and maybe they're not as bad as I think... I try to think positive and that maybe time will go by fast and soon I'll have that perfect smile. I admire everyone with nice teeth and hope that my time will come soon! I get so excited when I hear that someone got their braces off- it gives me hope! All in all, it's not a pleasant experience, and can be painful at times; and I spend much much more time cleaning my teeth and staring at them in the mirror. So after all this and thousands of dollars, is it worth it? Well I try to keep my eyes on the prize. And the end result, I'm sure will take my breath away.

It better be worth it!

Good Luck when you get yours... I wish I would have known these things beforehand! It was a rude awakening!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by entipy
Very pretty!!!

Hey, what font is that you used on your pictures?? I *must* have it! LOL

Thanks! So I used Paint Shop Pro 7 for editing, and the font is called Mufferaw. Funny name, huh?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LADII UNIQUE
which eyeshadow is or your eyelid and in your crease?

I used the Wet n Wild e/s trio in Egyptian Sands. I used the lightest shade on my lid and browbone. And I used the darkest shade on my crease.
