This one is really bad, hello kitty stuff and stuff that never existed.


Well-known member
wow. those are horrible.
i like how the "pigment" labels are ridiculous. some of them say MAC on the side of the jar and they are centered like real ones, and some say it at the very bottom of the side of the jar.
also i like how the "lipglass" is in little glass jars haha.


Well-known member


Well-known member
It's nice how the pigment jars are also not consistently some are skinnier then others.
I wonder how much they really sell...*le sigh*


Well-known member
WOW! Those are terrible! They must fool some people though because eBay is running rampid with fakes these days!

A funny story... I was depotting some shadows the other night and my husband goes, "Why are you spending so much time doing that? Why don't you just buy them in the big palette? I saw them on eBay!" HAHAHA! I told him those are all fake and that you can't buy them in the palettes like that unless you buy the palette and the pro refills and put them in yourself. Thank goodness he stopped buying me makeup years ago
That site is revolting... Who would even buy off it?! If you're gonna sell fakes at least TRY to make it look professional!


omg, wow. I'm not even a MAC junkie/addict (at least not yet
) and I can tell that all these are FAKE FAKE FAKE (except the brushes). I don't own any M.A.C. brushes, but i have a few of their products.

- Wow, the eyeshadow singles are all wrong!!!
- fluidlines are in a rounded jar, not that fat square kind.
- lul @ double-flip powder compacts. Those look so cheap.

Augh okay I'm just going to stop there. Wow those fakes are horrible.


LOL is all i can say!

Such a shame if people actually fall for that (although I can't really see that happening??)


on the one hand I'm insulted that they think we're that stupid and ignorant and will fall for their fakes and on the other, I'm saddened that there are enough people who don't know better and will buy these fakes and make it worthwhile for the fakes to continue being manufacturered.