Tips for Makeup Application on Other People!


Active member
okay, so i have literally looked EVERYWHERE on the internet (including doing searches here) for tips on how to apply makeup on OTHER people's faces.

i just find it extremely awkward. my hand always ends up twisted around in weird positions, etc. i obviously can't use both hands if i'm right-handed (or... is this what i'm supposed to do?! :S )

thankyou in advance to anyone who helps me!
and sorry in advance if my wording is horrible in asking this question... and if i put this thread in the wrong place!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I usually steady my left side of my body by placing my hand on their shoulder or a table or something, unless it's needed for something else. I find it distracting not have both hands engaged in something. I'm not a pro, but I've done make up on other people.

-Use clean brushes
-Go slowly. I'm used to applying makeup to my face and can do that quickly. However, I don't know my friends' faces as well, so I tend to do it slowly.
-Tell people what to do, like close their eyes and don't open them until you say so. This is important with stuff like eyeshadow, but I find it less nerve-wracking in general
-I tend to think of applying makeup to someone else's face like writing or drawing on a piece of paper. Perhaps tape a piece of paper on a wall and try practicing like that?


Active member
thank you so much for replying!
and that taping a piece of paper to the wall is SUCH a good idea! TY

edit: so, if you use the left side of your body... you're left-handed?


Well-known member
theres lots of videos on youtube showing people applying makeup on others (aboywearingmakeup, enkore, askmemakeup etc)

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Feminist.
thank you so much for replying!
and that taping a piece of paper to the wall is SUCH a good idea! TY

edit: so, if you use the left side of your body... you're left-handed?

I'm a righty, so I use my right hand. If you're left-handed, use your left-hand. I think wanting to use both hands is a weird quirk of mine.


Active member
oookay! i misread what you were saying at first.
but i gotcha now :p

and yeah, wanting to use both hands and contort them in strange ways is definitely not a plus for me :S

and thanks glam8babe!


Well-known member
Ooo you could print out face charts to practice on if you wanted to! I think the best method is to try on your family and friends though...get an idea for different skin tones, types, etc!


Active member
yeah, i have a feeling i'll be combining your idea of printing off blank face charts with the sticking it on the wall idea!

that way i'll get that 'in front of me' dimension!


Well-known member
I second YouTube tuts!! Specifically, check out EnKore-he's amazing and he has several videos about how to apply different makeup to different people like mascara, etc. HTH!


Well-known member
I find it eaier if they are laying back in a salon chair, relaxed, or on a couch with their head propped up on pillows.

Don't blow on anyone's face, yuck.....I saw someone do this once.

I work on people the same way I do a painting. All my stuff is blobbed out on a corelle like dish on my right hand side.


Well-known member
This is probably a weird trick that only I do (maybe others do it too, but I've never seen it), but since I really hate applying mascara to other people, I get almost behind them to do it. I'll have them look forward with their eyes open and eyelids slightly lowered, and if I stand above (like, they're sitting and I'm standing) and to the side, it's almost the same angle as if I were applying it to my own face. I find that's the most awkward part about applying mascara to others, you're essentially backwards. This way, I can also see if I'm going too close to their eyelid and I'm going to hit them with the brush, or if I'm not going close enough to the lash base. Also, if you stand to the side, you can see whether or not you're going to poke them in the eye with the wand. So hopefully that helps works way better for me than it does to stand directly in front of the person.

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