To apply, or not to apply? Help me!


Well-known member
i say go for it!

mac is pretty willing to work with you on scheduling. let the manager know about the surgery and give her the date if you have it already so she has plenty of time to allow you that day off and make sure she's staffed properly during your absence.

as far as your portfolio, they're looking more at your skills than at who you're using them on. granted it is better if you have a variety of skintones, bone structures and ethnicities in your portfolio to prove you can put makeup on anyone successfully. so, if you can get other people in your portfolio, by all means do it! if not, keep it up with taking photos of your own makeup! it's btter to have a bunch of pictures of yourself than nothing.


Well-known member
thanks for the quick reply! do you have any suggestions for how to present my portfolio? i mean should i burn my photos to a dvd... or print and put them in some sort of album? i am kind of clueless with that.


Well-known member
I dont know about the makeup industry and the makeup artists and how they work, sorry
but I say go for it. If its your dream job and someone thought you were perfect for it then do it!!!! I mean, yeah It sounds like a bit of work going through the process, but who cares! If its something you want to do then just do it. I heard something about freelance mac artist? Im not sure exactly what it means but I guess they send you from counter to counter based on the needs and your hours? Im not sure, but look into it. It might be pefect for you. I saw your FOTD and trust me, your nose looks perfect


Well-known member
I agree with everyone else. Obviously, the manager saw potential in you. Otherwise, she would've never urged you to apply. I say go for it. What I'm about to say is so cliche, but it's true: the worst that can happen is not getting the job. I doubt that'll happen cause you'll be applying based on the recommendation of a manager. From what I've always heard, you don't need an extensive portfolio to get hired. Put on your game face and go for it!! Your FOTD was LOVELY!!!


Well-known member
Another person here who knows nothing about working in the industry but i also say go for it. You have great skill, just looked at your fotds and have already posted on most at the time as they are great!

Also you'll never know how lenient they are with schedules unless you ask. Let them know your availability up front, certainly don't let that stop you.
Worst case you find out you could have the job but your schedule won't work this time but you'd then know you were good enough and perhaps get a job at a later date. All this is just guess work!

Don't forget the manager wouldn't have asked you if they didn't want you. She could have just said nice makeup!!!

Good luck and keep us posted.


Well-known member
Go for it! The worst thing that could happen is that they say no.. and that's alright. It probably won't even be about your schedule anyway if they do say no, maybe there just aren't any positions available at that specific time.

Get your digital photos professionaly printed out and present them in a folder with all the photos you plan on using. Just be sure not to lie and say you've done professional work when you haven't, because I know MAC has caught a few applicants lying about work in their portfolio recently.

But definately go for it. You'd be surprised at how nice MAC managers are within the hiring process


Well-known member
Go for it!!! What's the worst that can happen, they'll say no? But think of the alternative, they could say yes!!

And with your surgery, pretty much any job will work around that as long as you tell them in advance and if they don't, I'm sure you could fight it somewhere.

Good luck!