To cut or not to cut??


Active member
I have been debating on cutting my hair. I haven't got it cut since Feb. '06 and it has been growing. This is the most recent pic of me I could find.... does anyone think I should get my hair cut into a nice bob kind of textured .. more blunt about collar bone length (like Jennifer Aniston's old bob).... any ideas?????



Well-known member
I think it looks nice as it is. I too am trying to grow my hair and keep debating having a blunt bob. It just depends on whether you still ultimately want to grow it. At the end of the day hair grows if you went for a collar length bob (which I think would look fab by the way) it will still grow on.


Well-known member
I say cut it, but that's because I always feel good when I chop off a couple inches of my hair.