Too Faced Pretty Rebel Palette


Well-known member
I'm thinking of ordering it from Sephora. Anyone swatched it? How was the eyeshadows?


Well-known member
I swatched this palette in Sephora yesterday. All the shades were quite pigmented. I'm considering buying it. I haven't bought a Too Faced shadow since they came out. I no longer have the shadows. I'm wondering how is the wear time. Anyone have this palette or can comment on Too Faced in general. I don't see a Too Faced thread.


Well-known member
I'm trying to decide if I need this! I've seen reviews by xSparkage and T, as well as one by a friend of mine who blogs. I swatched them in store yesterday, and liked them. I have two of the older TF palettes and the wear time is good (with primer.)

I do have some similar shades though. How many hot pink shadows does a girl really need?


I've successfully resisted this, along with the oz palettes, which I'm really proud of. It just reaches a point where you have way too many shimmery eyeshadows. You know?