Trying to get it right


So after three kids, my weight is just out of control. At 195lbs (I am 5'6") I now weigh almost as much as I did before giving birth to my last child. I need to get on track, and I have to lose this weight. I can't stand looking in the mirror any more. I am so unhappy with how I look.
So I am finally trying to get it right. I would love people to join me in my weight loss. I am blogging here at
I will also be updating my progress on this post.


So I have been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred videos this week. I also managed to get in a really good cardio workout this morning of HIIT treadmill running and an elliptical it a run on an elliptical?? lol.
I'm feeling pretty good about my commitment this week. Just hoping that I can keep it up. I really would like to be down a dress size (or two :p) by New Years. Fingers crossed. I know that as long as I can keep my head in the game, so to speak, that at least I am going toward the right place.


Whelp...fell off the wagon yesterday. I was up all night (quite literally) on Monday finishing up a technical report for a bid. So I didn't sleep at all, had to work on tuesday and then go home and tend to my munchkins. Can I tell you, I was exhausted!! Oh my gosh. So I had sugar to basically keep me awake all day. I don't drink coffee or tea, so that wasn't going to work for me. As for exercising....well, lets just say I didn't do any of that yesterday. So all in all, yesterday was a pretty sucky day. Oh well, back on it today. I have found a website I really like that have some great workout routines. I may try one or two of them tonight after I do my cardio.


So I am doing an elliptical/treadmill combination at the moment. 20-30 mins on each, back to back. I am feeling quite good about it. What is everyone else doing to get their workout in for the day??