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Tutorial Contest Winner October 2008: Beauty Marked


Well-known member
Re: Beauty Marked

I love these colors on you
you are beautiful


Well-known member
Re: Beauty Marked

Very pretty! I returned my Beauty Marked because I didn't know what to do with it. Kinda wish I hadn't...

I noticed that you used a Kohl Liner as a base for your eyeshadow. How is it as a base? They disco'd more shadesticks and I'm pretty sure they will soon no longer exist and I need a subsitute... I don't like Paint Pots all that much and the same goes for paints... I've also tried UD's primer potion and that was the worst of them all.


Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Re: Beauty Marked

beautiful thanks for the tut
I tried Beauty Marked over NYX jumbo pencil in Rust last week and got similar results. But I like yours better


Well-known member
Re: Beauty Marked

Wow! I have Foxy Lady and never use it because it always made me look cracked out. Thanks for the awesome tut!!!


Well-known member
Re: Beauty Marked

Wow, I'm in love with this tutorial! I think I'm going to marry it
Seriously though, gorgeous look, thanks!


Well-known member
Re: Beauty Marked

Thank you for this great tutorial.I still don't have Beauty Marked because people say it's a mess but with Foxy Lady eyekohl it looks very pretty


Well-known member
Re: Beauty Marked

Very pretty, I love how nice and easy your tut is to read! I will def. take note lol


Well-known member
Re: Beauty Marked

Completely gorgeous, thanks a ton! It seems like Beauty Marked always frustrates me. I'll definitely give the red base a try.