Urban Decay Electric palette (?!)


Well-known member
Slow burn has my heart
Chaos is a gorgeous matte vivid blue
Wow! I really like the looks you did.


Active member
Used my UD electric palette today. I love the color saturation, just wish I used the palette more!


Well-known member
I am so loving this palette! The colors can be worn without looking clownish. Well worth the money!

Audrey C

Well-known member
I'm surprised by how much I like and use the palette. It's a fun summer pop of colour. I really sheer the colours out and use them a lot more sparingly than many of you do, but it's wearable even for us late 40 somethings.


Well-known member
My husband bought this as a surprise for me when he got my Naked 3 palette. I loved the colours but wasn't sure how wearable they were going to be. Now I find myself reaching for this palette all the time! I absolutely adore it! =)


Well-known member
I can't decide if I want this one or not. I'm worried I'll buy it and never wear it. I'm usually not a bright colored eyeshadow kinda gal. But I saw Kandee Johnson post about it, and her look with the palette was very wearable. HELP I CANNOT DECIDE.


Well-known member
I can't decide if I want this one or not. I'm worried I'll buy it and never wear it. I'm usually not a bright colored eyeshadow kinda gal. But I saw Kandee Johnson post about it, and her look with the palette was very wearable. HELP I CANNOT DECIDE.
It's not LE. I was supposed to get it back in April and haven't yet still. I want it but the whole less urgency thing is just making me procrastinate buying it. Plus I want the Pulp Fiction lippy and liner UD is about to release soon. So, at this rate I might get it eventually or Christmas ish. lmao

Dolly Snow

I can't decide if I want this one or not. I'm worried I'll buy it and never wear it. I'm usually not a bright colored eyeshadow kinda gal. But I saw Kandee Johnson post about it, and her look with the palette was very wearable. HELP I CANNOT DECIDE.
If you haven't got any bright palettes, then this is a good start. You can do your regular neutral eye and pop some color on just to start off :)


Well-known member
If you haven't got any bright palettes, then this is a good start. You can do your regular neutral eye and pop some color on just to start off
That's true, I could!

I don't have any bright palettes at all, this would be a huge change from what I'm used to wearing. Hmm. Maybe I should buy it.


Well-known member
I used mine last week for probably only the 2nd time. I LOVE slow burn! I'm going to use this more often. Maybe I'll do a look with it Sat. Night and post it.

Audrey C

Well-known member
I use mine all the time, particularly now that it's summer. I love incorporating a pop of colour into an otherwise neutral look. Even us fossils over 45 can get away with that and not have it look ridiculous.


Well-known member
Anyone looking for a deal I found a reputable seller via ebay. I got a 10 dollar off coupon for listing an item last week. Used it tonight and submitted a best offer of 30 dollars instead of paying the 34.99 he's selling the palettes for. That brought everything to 20.00. Check this guys feeback out it's near flawless and his negatives are about shipping delays.



Well-known member
I've started making an effort to use mine more. The pigments really are beautiful. The first look I used Fringe and Freak. I love this one. The next I used Slow burn, Savage, and MAC's Amber Lights and a brown for the crease (can't remember which one) .


Well-known member
My palette came...the green pigment is broken. I will take pictures but I'm contacting my seller about a replacement. It's gorgeous but I'd like this rectified.