Urban Decay in the UK


Well-known member
Is it me or is it true that UD isnt that popular in the UK? Every time I go to a UD counter it looks sad and neglected, hardly ever topped up and I usually have to ask for the PP cos there's none on display but plenty in the drawers underneath!

In our Debenhams they have a stand with loads of UD on sale, but as I'm quite new to this brand I was just wondering what others think?


Well-known member
They are £10.50. The sale ones I found were £5 but have no idea what colours they were.


Well-known member
Once this sales assistant (she was for this reason) for UD put something the back of my hand and said it was edible... i said i don't want to eat it, since it was unhygenic (it looked so nasty... anyhoos i dont test testers on my face, what makes her think ill put it in my mouth)... she really tried to force it as well
... this kinda put me off even looking at anything of theirs!

I do want to try the primer potion though... do you know the UK price of it by anychance?

*edit* baaad typos! lol!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tiff
Is it me or is it true that UD isnt that popular in the UK? Every time I go to a UD counter it looks sad and neglected, hardly ever topped up and I usually have to ask for the PP cos there's none on display but plenty in the drawers underneath!

In our Debenhams they have a stand with loads of UD on sale, but as I'm quite new to this brand I was just wondering what others think?



Well-known member
I absolutely love UD, but i know what you mean. I think part of the problem is that in general their counters are staffed by completely clueless women with no skill whatsoever. The woman who works at my local counter is positively frightening. Her make-up is awful and she always pressures people to buy things. I was once looking at stuff when she was doing a make-over and she told the girl that she couldn't do make up on her eyes because "eyes turn her stomach". I had to walk away before i yelled at her.


Well-known member
Bet she was sales woman of the year LOL

Both counters in Bristol, one in Boots and one in Debenhams and neither of them have staff working there, its just a stand alone counter which is great for just browsing. Thats probably why they look abandoned though, its down to someone who probably comes once a week to top up or whatever.


Well-known member
the two counters i go to dont have staff & the shelfs are in a right state with everything messed up & leaked everywhere :/


Well-known member
I thought debenhams got rid of their UD counters? most I have been to lately have.

I haven't tried many of their products a few eyeshadow which I do like, but I love the body sparkle in Marshmellow, Cocoa & cake they taste lovely and look so shimmery


Well-known member
I'm in Bristol, Boots in the centre of town got rid of their UD counter so there is only 1 in Debenhams and 1 in another Boots out of town. You'd think a place the size of Bristol would have decent shopping, we dont get half the brands they have in Birmingham and Manchester etc.

Pure Vanity

Well-known member
I get mine from Boots in the trafford centre and it's a stand alone counter never seen anyone on it.
I love the 24/7 eyeliners go on so well.


Yeah, I find they aren't as popular over here. When I go to buy my UD stuff, the assistants all gather around me as I usually take alot of their stuff home with me, haha. This is from the Boots in Cambridge.


Originally Posted by JesusShaves
Once this sales assistant (she was for this reason) for UD put something the back of my hand and said it was edible... i said i don't want to eat it, since it was unhygenic (it looked so nasty... anyhoos i dont test testers on my face, what makes her think ill put it in my mouth)... she really tried to force it as well
... this kinda put me off even looking at anything of theirs!

I do want to try the primer potion though... do you know the UK price of it by anychance?

*edit* baaad typos! lol!

If it's the body balm you are talking about - it actually tastes great! But I agree, I wouldn't want to try it after others may have had their fingers dipped in it.


Active member
In my Debenhams theres UD/HC counter, but its set away from all the other MU
the old SA was wonderful!!! but she's left the new one tried to sell me a lip liner saying it was a pink eyeliner- errr NO

But UD does have a good 70% sales bit,