Venting Time!! Gym Pet Peeves!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tyester
Not to pick on you, but it's a possibility those guys are actually trainers, and some of 'em don't workout with their clients.

I'm sure that's true in some cases, but the gym I've experienced this the most with is my university's gym, and they definitely were not trainers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by moonrevel
I'm sure that's true in some cases, but the gym I've experienced this the most with is my university's gym, and they definitely were not trainers.



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Campers. Specifically someone who has been on the machine for an hour already, who nods and mouths 'one more minute' when you make your 'for the love of god, I just want to wheeze on the treadmill for fifteen minutes and you're cockblocking me' face, and then keeps running for another half an hour.

There's a small gym in my apartment building that has one of each machine, and there's one woman who is on the treadmill for hours at a time and doesn't willingly give it up for others to use. We live right next to the park - if you're that desperate to run, lady, take advantage of the nice sunny day and do your circuits out there.

I also can't stand people who make fun of the not-so svelte when they come down to swim or use the gym. I freely admit that my job and my lifestyle has made me about five kilos overweight and it shows on my thighs, hence why my kickboard and I are in the pool every evening. Calling me a fatarse is just stating the obvious. :roll:

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Campers. Specifically someone who has been on the machine for an hour already, who nods and mouths 'one more minute' when you make your 'for the love of god, I just want to wheeze on the treadmill for fifteen minutes and you're cockblocking me' face, and then keeps running for another half an hour.

There's a small gym in my apartment building that has one of each machine, and there's one woman who is on the treadmill for hours at a time and doesn't willingly give it up for others to use. We live right next to the park - if you're that desperate to run, lady, take advantage of the nice sunny day and do your circuits out there.

i have the same exact problem. small complex gym. one elliptical, no treadmill. there's this woman who's on it for like 2 hours?!?!?!!? wtf!!


Well-known member
ppl who give you dirty looks (you could be thin, fat, w/e, they just have that constipated attitude look)

ppl who hover, & when you get off to go get the spray to wipe it down have already taken over & put your stuff on the floor, :confused:

girls in make up. i don't think that's what you're supposed to sweat off

socializers who are not doing any sort of cardio pace but yapping to all their friends

i agree on a lot of the others


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tyester
....This is for all the yappers:

Holy crap! The perfect gym shirt. Where did you get that?


Well-known member
I have to agree with all of you so far. A few others:

-Regarding the perfume/body odor issue. There is a guy in my gym who always reeks like cigarettes! Gag! Why bother working out? You're dying next week from lung cancer, jackass.

-When I am working out on a machine and there are 3 or 4 of the same machines to the left or right of me and someone has to get on the machine right next to me. It's a personal space thing.

-When guys stare at my t*ts when I am working out. I have them lashed down with two sports bras, and they have become a most unattractive uniboob, yet they still look????

-When I am really going for it on the treadmill or elliptical and like 5 people have come and gone on the machine next to me during the span of my 30-60 min workout. What was the point of their workout?

-Or the "gym buddies" who think that just physically being at the gym is good for them. They lollygag around on a machine for 10 minutes, not breaking a sweat and talking the whole time. Again, what's the point? I wouldn't mind it so much if they didn't take up machines and get in the way.

I am kind of Gym Nazi, aren't I???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer an aside I LOVE stripper bodies, particularly after the stripper has been dancing for awhile and has a very athletic figure.....

The pole has to be a great workout! I wish I had one!
Hmmm... how do I explain that to guests?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
The pole has to be a great workout! I wish I had one!
Hmmm... how do I explain that to guests?

actually, there's a company that makes poles that can be taken down whenever you don't need it out. my roommate and i were discussing buying one since she's a dancer and needs the practice, and i want a little more of a workout that i won't be bored with easily. i worked with a girl who had one of these removeable poles, and she would just RAVE about it. i tested it a few times too, very sturdy!

the gym i go to tends to have more people over the age of 50 at any given time. i hate being stared down, especially by the older folks. what's so wrong about a young woman staying healthy?

i think my other pet peeve would be the wannabe body builders on the weight "side" of my gym. i know they need to use the mirrors to watch themselves, and i know that they're going to check me out when i'm over there. however, some of the more hardcore guys will actually give me dirty looks when i come over there. what can i say, i can't keep my arms looking good without a little free weight help!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
The pole has to be a great workout! I wish I had one!
Hmmm... how do I explain that to guests?

I have a buddy who is a stripper and from dancing alone she has gone from a size ten to a 23" about 18 months.
And she's TIGHT.
Really. Really. Tight.

Granted, I'm not necessarily advocating taking my clothes off for money (though I respect a lot of the girls who do...) but the workout from it and the real muscle strength built from it is inarguable.


Well-known member
Geez since I used to work at a gym/sports arena I could so go on forever lol

1. The phone thing nuff said
2. This isn't so much of a peev more of an observation... so many men put their weights up higher if there's someone watching. OMG get a grip this is not a competition!
3. People that make fun of the 'larger' people in the gym, they should be commended not mocked.
4. Outdoor shoes!!! Get them of the mats people, we have to lay down there!
5. The way instructors talk about gym members when they're not in earshot. Not all I have to add!
6. The testosterone effect, get a group of gym going guys together and those poor girls better watch out! Save it for a Saturday night please guys, thank you.
7. The girls who reapply make-up before they go in the gym, whattt.
8. Not using a machine properly! It's not working, you look stoopid, you are wasting your time, do it like you were shown.
9. People who spend ages on a machine because they are chatting to the person next to them, often witnessed on the treadmills. That snail paced walk is doing not a lot for you.

I've done!!


Well-known member
The rude people. So I am a little bit new (this is when I went, I have since been turned off, and I will lose weight and tone the free way) at this, and this guy yelled at me that it was his machine, you know you have to put your name down. Well I was just checking the f'n machine jack ass.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by farra712
OMG! I so agree with this. A girl I used to be friends with used to always try to get me to come to the gym with her (even though we have enough gym equipment at my house) and she would stay on the elliptical machine for an hour and a half. She lost like 4 pounds max in 3 months and she had about 35 to lose. Then she would tell me how the exercises I was doing were "sketchy" because they didn't take me more than 30 minutes for the whole thing.

I hate those people at the gym that stay there for like 4 hours. I know it shouldn't matter to me, but seriously, what are you doing that takes 4 hours, and is it worth it?

And all of the above is exactly how I lost 60 pound in four months. So yeah, being a size one again is hella worth it 8)

Although I did spend 2 hours on the elliptical at a level that burns 14 calories a minute, then went to lift weight...I'll be the first to admit that it is very very bad for you body and no one should really be doing that. Especially 4-5 times a week like I was. Damn baby weight.

P.S. I'm that girl singing along w/ her iPod. Oops. Don't worry, I haven't been back in 4 months. :p


Well-known member
people who work out in flip flops
people who work out blinged out in jewelry
people who drink DR PEPPER WHILE WORKING OUT!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
people who work out in flip flops

Oy! There have been this couple at the gym lately - always in flip flops. I look forward to the day one of them drops something on their foot...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
I know right?

Or they walk on the effing treadmill in flippies.

Ahaha, I have yet to see them do that. But they do these squat things together (a guy and a girl) and I am like "Grrr.. think about it people!!!!!!" Shoes - what a concept

Or it's like my friend who is trying to convice me lately that going on a 10 day juice only "cleanse" is a good idea "if you know what you're doing".



Well-known member
Flips flops are good for deadlifts and REAL calf raises.

Otherwise, yes, I'd stay away from them, not that Nike's cushion the blow of a falling 45lb plate any better.