Very specific question: Best Coastal Scents Buffer Brush for Liquid Foundation?


Active member
Hey all!

I'll be buying a nice sized haul from Coastal Scents tonight, and I'm really stressing over which buffer brush to buy to use for stippling on liquid foundation application. I already have a MAC 187 dupe from Sonia Kashuk that I used to use, but I wanted something with shorter bristles, something a little more dense, as I like the 187 dupe more for powder now-a-days.

So I'm debating between these four:

Synthetic Buffer Brush
: Coastal Scents: Synthetic Buffer Brush Large

Black Sable Buffer Brush: Coastal Scents: Black Sable Buffer

Deluxe Buffer Brush
: Coastal Scents: Deluxe Buffer Brush

Flat-Mineral Bronzer Buffer Brush: Coastal Scents: Flat Mineral Bronzer Buffer Large

So, which do you all prefer!?!

I'll be using this with Revlon's Colorstay Liquid Foundation. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I have found the many threads on liquid foundation application and on Coastal Scents brushes, but I'm looking for specific insight on these four specific brushes and for this specific usage!
Sorry for all my "specifics"!