VH-1's Flavor of Love Series


Well-known member
its very very fake,lol,i loved that show too,you have to sign a release saying they can makeup any lie about you they want...thats a real reality show,new yorks mother is not her mother,that lady is an actress


Well-known member
ok so idk about the make-up but I LOVED THIS SHOW!! I don't care if it's scripted or just really trashy chicks but it's entertaining as hell. I also can't wait until New York's show, that's gonna be DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA and that means great TV.

But from the first season I think Hoops, even though I don't like her, did some really nice make-up on herself. Second season though ... Deelishes looks like a shim.


Active member
Cheesey, trashy show. The only reason I would bother to watch I Love New York is to see her fall fat on her face a third time!


Active member
Flavor of Love is so trashy but I can't stop myself from watching it. I thought some of the girls in the first season were pretty (Hoopz and Hottie) and that girl Eyez that was on the first episode of the second season was as well. New York looks like a tranny though.


Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
lmfao, but yeah i also heard that he was really serious with deelishis. i think she's a beautiful woman and an amazing person. and i really admired her for almost beating new york's ass lol

I LOVED THIS SHOW TOO! And I was really impressed with Deelishis. As hard as it is for me to understand why ANY woman would want that man, she was totally genuine. And I thought I would never stop laughing when she sang in front of Krazy - what a gorgeous voice! And Krazy had been going around making all kinds of god-awful noise the whole time...

Sorry for going on, but this show is like crack to me. I can't get enough!