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Video:BlueStorm Tutorial


Well-known member
hey guys... this is only an EYE Tutorial... forgive me if I messed up the song LOL... I just like doing it!!! By the Way It was 112 songs the first one is SWEET LOVE and the 2nd one is CUPID...I'm sure most of you are familiar with these songs... I'm really sorry if I was singing along LOL just make fun of me... I don't mind l lol...

here it is!!!
link to video


Well-known member
Man, that was awesome! That was a fantastic video. You are terrific and so adorable. You naturally have beautiful shaped eyes. You are sooooooooo lucky.


Well-known member
i had no idea that you had all those video tuts on youtube! i had to sit in on the world's longest and most boring conference call this morning. i had the speaker phone on mute while my secretary and i watched you apply makeup instead. now my secretary wants to know if she can take an extra long lunch so she can stop by the mac counter. i can tell this is going to be a super productive day....lol!!!


Well-known member
another fabulous tut girlie!!!! 2 of my fav songs by 112. I was crackin up when you started singing (not cuz you sounded bad) because I was hella singin outloud--at work even!! My Co-worker was staring at me like I was crazy lol


Well-known member
Wow, great tutorial/s (I looked at your other awesome tuts!)! Me loves it! I have eyes that are similar to yours, and for the life of me, I just can't do a smokey eye right. Now, you have inspired me! I skipped Blue Storm (except for cumulus and kohl powers) but I think I have to go back for the other shadows! Thanks for a fantastic tut!


Well-known member
great tut! you have a voice there girlie =) those 112 songs make any girl swoon and sing lol