Viva Glams at CCO's


Active member
So if a Viva Glam product is sold at a CCO, does the money still go to chairity? I would assume it might since those are still owned by EL, but I wasn't sure. Does anyone know?


Well-known member
I can't imagine that Viva Glams would show up at a CCO, unless it's older packaging, in which case, it's really old stock (yuck). I wouldn't buy them at a CCO, since the only reason I buy VGs is because of the charity aspect, since there are so many similar colors that I can buy with my discount. Then again, we don't have CCOs here, so I'm only guessing.



Well-known member
didn't they change the tube from regular metal to a red metal one, like a year and a half ago?? I guess it isn't very unlikely to find those in a cco...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sanne
didn't they change the tube from regular metal to a red metal one, like a year and a half ago?? I guess it isn't very unlikely to find those in a cco...

I've seen the red metal VG lippies at these CCOs:

Williamsburg, VA
Potomac Mills, VA
Leesburg, VA
Hagerstown, MD
Grove City, PA
Aurora Farms, OH

The date codes on the tubes were '04 or '05, mainly '05 and there wasn't anything wrong with the lippies (ie: blooming or odor).

I have purchased all my VG items at MAC counters...if the CCOs also donated 100% of the purchase price, that'd be great, even though the lippies sell for a much lower price.