Waiting for a call...


Active member
Okay, so I applied at MAC in Square One mall in Toronto, the counter in The Bay! YEY!
I'm super excited, but I waited a few weeks and never got a call, so I broke down and called them back today.

I asked for the Manager Claire and she was busy and the MA told me she would give me a call back.

Do you think I should call them back tomorrow or give her some time? It was only today that I called but it sounded like she was gonna call back when done with the customer.... what should I do?


Also, if I get an interview, what kind of makeup should I wear? Like downplay it because it is an interview or pump it up, show my skills. I love funky eyes and I can really pump it up but is that appropriate? I worked at The Body Shop so I have sold makeup before but nothing like this.

Any suggestions?


I had to call the store I applied to just about every step of the way, but I allowed several days between calls. I had to pester them at least twice before my first interview (which I didn't have until over 2 months after I applied) and 3 or 4 times before my demo, and I'm still waiting to hear back about that. Sometimes you have to take the initiative, just make sure you're always polite (which I'm sure you knew). Although I was annoyed with all the contact I had to initiate, I was always polite and understanding. I'd say allow a couple of days, and then you'd be well within the bounds of politeness in calling back. Things can get hectic in the store, and there might have just been a breakdown in communication on the day you called.

As for the makeup, I'd say play it up, especially since you said you like funky eyes. I don't have a job there (yet *cross fingers*), but they seem to be looking for funky types and you want to show them that you'll fit in. So wear black, do rock star makeup, and be outgoing and polite. Good luck!


Well-known member
Honestly everywhere is different, like in my region if you bring in a resume you're put onto a list and called back only when we hold freelancer group interviews. If you keep bugging the counter to try to get an individual interview you will be ignored. We have huge stacks of resumes and they keep coming so the easiest way for us to deal with it is to schedule large group interviews. However that's my region and in San Francisco there isn't a huge market for freelance make-up artist so MAC here is pretty cut throat.


Well-known member
im in this situation right now..trying to get on with the freelance team at mac store (the busiest store in houston at that)..when they didnt call me..i called them..but i had already developed a relationship with the assistant manager so it didnt seem to buggy-like..im a persistant person so i dont give up so easily..i would say keep calling but not everyday..i didnt do that..it was just every couple days or few days...i already had a verbal interview and now i scored a demo (havent done it yet though, trying to get that set up)...being persistant is a good thing, just dont let it become a big bother


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jadedragonfly
Do you have to be put on as freelance to start? I really wanted to work full time or even part time.

It depends on what the need is for the location you are applying too. But let them know you are looking for full time.


Heyyyy that's fun, I'm from Mississauga and I'm at the Square One location allll the time.. I hope you get the job so I can see you there!

I'm actually going to Brock in St. Catharines for school right now, but whenever I'm home I visit the actual MAC store in Square One and all the ladies there know me by name, they're all really sweet and welcoming .. I love it!

I think you made a wise choice applying at the one at the Bay though, it's nicely lit up and seems like a good atmosphere to work..

I think you should call back and follow up, she won't know it was you who called for her recently, and plus.. if you follow up, you'll seem way more interested about that job - not like you just handed out your resume to every and any place that would take it!

I had an interview the other day, I wore MAC shades .. they asked me to describe what I was wearing on my face. So just wear your favourite/fun MAC shades and make sure you're able to talk about them if you get put on the spot!

Good Luck


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zeena
Heyyyy that's fun, I'm from Mississauga and I'm at the Square One location allll the time.. I hope you get the job so I can see you there!

I'm actually going to Brock in St. Catharines for school right now, but whenever I'm home I visit the actual MAC store in Square One and all the ladies there know me by name, they're all really sweet and welcoming .. I love it!

I think you made a wise choice applying at the one at the Bay though, it's nicely lit up and seems like a good atmosphere to work..

I think you should call back and follow up, she won't know it was you who called for her recently, and plus.. if you follow up, you'll seem way more interested about that job - not like you just handed out your resume to every and any place that would take it!

I had an interview the other day, I wore MAC shades .. they asked me to describe what I was wearing on my face. So just wear your favourite/fun MAC shades and make sure you're able to talk about them if you get put on the spot!

Good Luck

Cool, was your interview at the sq1 store or at the Bay also? When will you hear back from them? P/t or FT?


Mine was at the Bay in St. Catharines.. I reeeeally wish it was at Square One, I'm so comfortable with the people there, they're so sweet!

It's for part time, I'm in school. Have you ever applied??