Want fun/special packaging on a new color collex!


Active member
Seriously, was Dame Edna the last launch that had special packaging for the lipsticks, etc?!? I'm so jazzed about DSquared, Style Black but they are just the regular packaging. Sigh. I'm such a sucker for the special tubes of yum!!



Well-known member
Style Warriors was the last launch to have special packaging, typically they do it once around the holidays and once in the summer.


Well-known member
You might think twice about being suckered into LE packaging if you had to pay an extra $6 per item just to have the pretties.... AU consumers get charged $6 over and above standard retail on specially packaged items. For that, I would seriously rather the ordinary packaging.


Well-known member
i think it sucks for you guys Panda. i mean it doesn't cost that much extra to make the freaking different coloured tube and nobody else gets charged like that. makes me angry for you!


Active member
Originally Posted by LMD84
i think it sucks for you guys Panda. i mean it doesn't cost that much extra to make the freaking different coloured tube and nobody else gets charged like that. makes me angry for you!

I agree, that sucks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MyBeehive
I agree, that sucks!

i third that comment, do u know whay they do that? that's a joke


Well-known member
i hope this doesnt sound ignorant, it seems like almost everything is much more expensive in Australia!
Even though i feel bad for ya'll in australia, i do want some new special packaging. The style warriors packaging, looking back, was kinda bleh, and dame edna was kinda tacky to me. NEON ORANGE NEO SCI FI FTW!!!!!!!!!