[warning] This might be gross to some. . .


Well-known member
To jump right in:

I have been diagnosed with Emetophobia -- which is the fear of vomit. You can Google it if you want and find out more about it. But to be more specific in my case, I have a very scary, very real fear of people vomiting around me. This fear is intensified by a thousand when the people are invidiuals I know. It sounds ridiculous to some but it is a truly crippling phobia, and more common than you think. I cannot even watch shows on TV that might show vomit, see pictures of it, or even hear someone vomit. It just sends me into a panic.

It affects my eating habits (I live by Sell-By dates, really don't enjoy eating out too much, very weary of meat/dairy/seafood products that aren't cooked by myself or my mom, the list goes on) and because of this fear I am tiny (5'2" and 96-98 lbs) for the fear of eating something "bad" my trigger me getting sick and then, possibly in my mind, lead to me vomiting.

Moreso than my eating habits, it really has a tremendous impact of my social life. That is to be expected, no. I really used to love to go out and having drinks -- just having a good time all around but now I rarely go out and if I do go out the fear that someone might vomit is constantly nagging at the back of my mind. Like I am constantly always vigilant of my surroundings and the people within them because I make myself believe that at any moment someone is going to throw up, and that someone could be me. Which is why I am not a big drinker anymore.

I haven't thrown up since I was 10 years old. I am now 21 years old. That is a really long time, at least to me. I have even taught myself ways of "overcoming the about-to-vomit" feeling, if that feeling ever comes up (it rarely does -- except in certain situations that I will further describe). In the end, these "techniques" work. The feeling goes but I am still on edge for the fear it might pop back up again.

Those certain situations in which I feel like I might vomit really only stem from when someone I know does it around me. Usually I am very good at hiding this fear but last night was my breaking point. I really thought I was going to have to be taken to the hospital. Let me elaborate:

My boyfriend had people over last night to watch a big UFC fight and everyone (minus me and one other girl) kept doing shots of Southern Comfort -- the poison of choice for my boyfriend. He kept drinking SoCo mixed with fruit punch as the night went along. I noticed he had been drinking quite a bit but usually SoCo to him is like drinking water -- it truly doesn't have any effect on him . . . or so I thought. Long story cut short, he got rather drunk and ended up vomiting in our bathroom toilet.

I just remember sitting on the edge of the bed looking into the bathroom and feeling this huge wave of nausea rush over me and then my heart started racing -- as if it wanted to burst out of my chest. My instinct: flee, flee, flee! Which I did, I screamed at him for letting it get to this point, grabbed some things and pretty much ran out of the apartment to my car to go to my mom's house. The walk to my car was unbelievable, I was dizzy and I felt like my vision was going but I was determined to get as far away from him
and that bathroom as possible -- which only meant going to my house that is about 40-45 minutes away.

The drive was insane. I am surprised I even made it to my my house because I was literally racked with the body shivers. My hands couldn't stop shaking, my heart was pounding so hard and so loud I could hear it in my ears. My legs were uncontrollably shaking. I was crying hysterically. I was hyperventilating. Pretty much having the worst panic and anxiety attack ever. I almost called 911 because I felt like I was going to black out any moment.

This probably sounds so weird to a lot of you but trust me, it is really hard having to deal with this on your own, especially at my age. Everyone always thinks I am being melodramatic and immature because "it's just vomit" but it isn't "just" vomit to me. I think somewhere in the back of my mind I've made myself believe that if you vomit, you die. And I have a pretty bad fear of death already. The only person that understands is my mother and she wasn't home last night, so I pretty much was having an attack on my own and thinking my world had just fallen apart. I guess one other person understands and that is my best friend -- she was home at the time but I think she was sleeping as all this was going on.

I called my mother this afternoon and told her everything through fits of tears and she is on her way back to the house to be with me. She was actually really upset I didn't call her last night and told her what was going on because she said she would've come straight home. It sounds stupid but she really sees how this fear has rendered me pretty much hopeless if I'm by myself.

The boyfriend called and is mad that I left but he just doesn't understand and it makes my heart hurt. Seriously. I've told him about it, as something this serious has to be discussed upfront in my opinion, and it seemed like he understood but as with other things, if you haven't truly experienced it and lived it, you really don't have any idea just how serious or bad it really is.

I mean this is so serious that it makes me not want to have children for fear of the morning sickness or one of my kids throwing up. It is serious because I pretty crumble when this fear rears it ugly head and when I should've been comforting and taking care of my boyfriend, I couldn't. I just wanted to get the hell out of there.

I feel horrible but I truly cannot help it. I couldn't even sleep at all last night because I kept thinking he (as in my boyfriend) was here and going to throw up on me, or just keep throwing up all night -- keeping me awake with the sounds, the smell . . . OH GOD, it's killing me to even write this out.

I love my boyfriend so much, I really do. We have been together for more than two and a half years -- and he's thrown up twice since we've been together, while me on the other hand: zilch. This scares me because I always think that at any time he is going to be sick -- which leads to me annoyingly question him "if he's going to puke" when he tells me he doesn't feel well (even if it's just with a cold). I couldn't even talk to him on the phone because I thought his "vomit germs" might leak through the wires.

I know the only way to get over this fear is to confront it but I just cannot do it. I am considering seeking professional and medical help but it's been documented that treatment works but individuals with Emetophobia can "relaspe" at any moment.

I feel like I can't live my life like a "normal" 21 year old.


Well-known member
Wow, I am so sorry. That really sucks. I don't know what else to tell you except for that I'm truly sorry you have to deal with that.
I would really recommend (sp?) seeing a professional. In my opinion, bein mostly okay with chance of a relapse is better than what you have to go through now.


Well-known member
I just also wanted to add to say I'm sorry and that its just not you. I don't have panic attacks but I also have a severe fear of vomiting - I've avoided doing it for about 5 years, and it really freaks me out if I do. So I guess you can imagine how I was when I had another illness that involved me having nausea, all day every day. Thank goodness my doctor put me on anti-emetics. However, thats not the point in case here.

I would go and talk to your doctor about this, probably taking your mother along. Sometimes having someone else there to describe your reactions can help as they are seeing it from the outside and can help convey that to the doctor. The doctor may be able to give you some advice on how to overcome this. Panic attacks are something that should be taken seriously, as they can take over your life. Its really great that you have such a strong support in your mother and that she understands. Maybe she can help you explain it to your boyfriend to show that its not just an exaggeration.

Please do try and overcome it before it overcomes you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DropDeadDarling
Wow, I am so sorry. That really sucks. I don't know what else to tell you except for that I'm truly sorry you have to deal with that.
I would really recommend (sp?) seeing a professional. In my opinion, bein mostly okay with chance of a relapse is better than what you have to go through now.

Yeah, it really does put a damper on things because it isn't a hugely documented and thoroughly researched phobia but after reading some things on the internent, it seems to be pretty common and definitely has varying degrees of severity. I can truly say that I am not as bad as others because I don't lock myself in my "world" and shut others out -- which seems to be the case with Emetophobia sufferers -- for fear of what could happen. But it still really hinders my life.

I can't even really be around children as much because they are somewhat unpredictable . . . and I have been thrown up on. Actually, I've been thrown up on twice. Once by a child and then once by an adult woman -- the latter being one of the most horrific experiences to date. I've also been "almost" thrown up on as well several times -- bus rides on the school bus, etc.

I feel that these probably play a crucial part in my reactions and feelings towards vomit. It's just really frustrating to know that for at least two weeks I probably won't be able to kiss my boyfriend because I think he's still "infected."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratoo
I just also wanted to add to say I'm sorry and that its just not you. I don't have panic attacks but I also have a severe fear of vomiting - I've avoided doing it for about 5 years, and it really freaks me out if I do. So I guess you can imagine how I was when I had another illness that involved me having nausea, all day every day. Thank goodness my doctor put me on anti-emetics. However, thats not the point in case here.

I would go and talk to your doctor about this, probably taking your mother along. Sometimes having someone else there to describe your reactions can help as they are seeing it from the outside and can help convey that to the doctor. The doctor may be able to give you some advice on how to overcome this. Panic attacks are something that should be taken seriously, as they can take over your life. Its really great that you have such a strong support in your mother and that she understands. Maybe she can help you explain it to your boyfriend to show that its not just an exaggeration.

Please do try and overcome it before it overcomes you

You know, it makes me feel a little better to see someone else on here that suffers from it as well because honestly I feel so alone some times when my attacks occur, and my mother isn't there to console me.

But I am definitely going to take your advice and the advice my mother has given me several times before -- seeking medical help. She wants me to see a psychiatrist first before I involve myself with taking any sort of medication, as the dangers and risks involved.

I just hope that there is something out there that will at least help the lessen the problem, if it can't completely eradicate it.

It's not good living a life in fear of a natural body function, especially since it's just the body's own way of rejecting harmful substances in order to sustain normalcy and life. It's just so frightening.


Well-known member
I am sorry to hear about this as well. I have a lot of anxiety...over different issues, but anxiety none the less. I would definitely go to a doctor. They will be able to point you in the right direction for someone to talk to, or some types of medication. My feeling is you shouldn't have to suffer with feelings like this, when there is something that could be done, or something to help you through this. Bottom line, this is hindering your life & it's not fair. I know it's not something you can "control" or "get over," by yourself.


Well-known member
I am sorry to hear all of this! Although I my phobia is not of vomit, I have a severe phobia of large bodies of water, and I can relate to you about No one taking me seriously and like you said everyone says I'm being "melodramatic" even my boyfriend of over 5 years. He gives me crap for it all the time because I have a very hard time getting myself to go out on a boat, and if I do , I am wearing a life jacket the entire time.And basically sitting in a chair, in an upright fetal position. People will never understand unless they REALLY know what is going on. Plus its not like you can help it, Anyone with a phobia knows that if you could get rid of it, it would be gone in less than a second!


Well-known member
Man, I wish the Thanks! button was working because I want thank all of you for your kind words. Even though it may not seem like much, it is definitely helping me out a lot right now.

I'm feeling rather emotional and my boyfriend being upset at me isn't helping. I've pretty much spent the day in my mom's bed, trying to get to sleep but I just can't stay asleep for longer than 5-10 minutes. I have to go to work tomorrow and am really not looking forward to the rest of the week.

See, that is the problem. Once these panic attacks come and go, I still feel really anxious and uneasy for at least a week.


Well-known member
It's so hard to understand it, if you don't have panic attacks/anxiety. For the people who do, it's so easy to understand what you are going through. Though we may have different "triggers" the feelings are the same. Try to get some rest & see a doctor as soon as you can. You don't need to deal with this any longer


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipshock

But I am definitely going to take your advice and the advice my mother has given me several times before -- seeking medical help. She wants me to see a psychiatrist first before I involve myself with taking any sort of medication, as the dangers and risks involved.

I agree with the seeking help and advice before medication. Whereas they can be great in treating the symptoms - they often do just that, treat the symptoms where in your case it is probably best to try and treat the cause.

I just want to make clear this isn't a rant to say medication is bad, believe I've had treatment for panic attacks and I know their power, I'm just saying its best to try and treat the causes rather than the symptoms


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipshock

See, that is the problem. Once these panic attacks come and go, I still feel really anxious and uneasy for at least a week.

I had nightmares for WEEKS after I got hurt on the boat. I knew I hated the water and that boat but I went out anyways and ended up in the E.R , I had nightmares everynight for at least a month so i Definitely know what you are talking about here

(what happened to the Thanks button!?)


Well-known member
Wow, I'm sorry about your phobia. It's hard to overcome when others don't take it seriously. You should definitely seek out professional help for this, especially it's causing trouble in your everyday life. Also, maybe you should try to find those who suffer from it too, so you can talk to them as well? I don't have a phobia of vomit, but I hate it nonetheless. I haven't vomitted since I was 11 and I'm 18 now.

Phobias are things that are especially hard to overcome without others in your life taking it seriously. I have the biggest phobia of the unknown, and when I tell my friends or family, they laugh at me.

I hope things get better for you.


Active member
Hey, there. I am not a doctor or a psychologist, but I feel pretty sure you have an anxiety disorder of some kind. In any case, it's not your fault. I know you are suffering a lot.

Everyone else here has given good advice. I just wanted to add two things. I hope you will go RIGHT AWAY to get treatment for this. It's interfering with your life and causing you too much pain and suffering. Also, I recommend that if you get meds, you will go to a good psychiatrist to get them. The pdoc will be able to monitor you better than a GP and will have lots of options for you in case the first thing you try does not work well for you.

I hope you will be feeling better soon!


Another Janice!

Well-known member
I have OCD and Trichotillomania.

I hear you honey...I sing your song and I live it every single day.

No advice...just know that I completely understand.


Well-known member
First of all, don't worry about your boyfriend being mad - he's being selfish and he'll get over it. Concentrate on getting yourself back on track mentally right now.

I, too, suffer from a debilitating phobia (I'm not going into details, but it's another one of those things people call "silly") and I know first hand how encountering a phobia can cause you to completely shut down physically and mentally and send you into a downward spiral of crippling panic and anxiety. I live with my phobia everyday and it's affected my life in every way possible.

Having said that, I wish I could help in some way. I know there are supposedly new treatments out there designed to help people get over severe phobias, but I've personally been too afraid of trying anything - just the thought of having to bring this problem to the surface (and thus think about the phobia itself) is enough to make me avoid any treatment.

Anyway, I don't know why I even posted all this. I guess I just wanted to let you know that you are NOT alone out there. You can know for sure now that there is at least another 21 year old girl out there who is not living a normal life because of her fears. I wish you the best and I hope someday they come out with some bottled cure for people like us. Keep your head up.


Well-known member
oh girl,I'm so sorry to hear that,well i think you should talk to him again you know.like tell him how deep this situation is "ruining" your life, maybe if your bestfriend talk to him too he may realized how serious it is and be more careful next time.because I'm happy you made it to your mom house,being in your situation it was dangerous.having a panic attack and drive oh wow!.
you strong girl,one day you will overcome it and be just fine.


Well-known member
Oh my this sounds like me! I'm not as bad as you but i can't look at it, hear it, or see it!!! My knees go weak, i feel faint, and feel sick! I always watch what i eat and i never get drunk for fear of getting sick and if people have the flu, i'm crazy scared to be around them and spray lysol in their path! Ugghhhh my boyfriend was sick a month ago and puking and i had to plug my ears to not hear him. I'm terrified to eevr get pregnant in fear of morning sickness and i don't know what i'll do when i have kids and they get sick! I always carry Gravol in my purse and have stashes of it everywhere just in case! If i do feel sick, i get so scared and shaky and start crying if i feel like vomiting. I haven't vomited since i was 7 and i'm 22 now. I take Gravol and use ear plugs before i get on a plane. I'm not scared of a plane crash, i'm more scared that i'll be sick! My friend once got drunk and puked outside my car on a street a few years ago. I almost left him there and was going to call him a cab. *Sigh* I have so many gross stories and if someone is sick, trust me, you will see me run away, plug my ears, and duck for cover!!!

Wow i'm glad i'm not alone here!!!


Well-known member
Reading the first few lines of your post was like serious deja vu!

I have a really bad phobia of vomit too - people always think im weird! The majority of the time I freak out if someone coughs. I cant stand people that have been using substances (drugs, drink etc) unless i know they can handle the substances. I wont be in the same house as someone who feels or has been ill, and i have literally run away (with fingers in ears humming very loudly so i cant hear them) from people being ill around me before. I cant walk near fare rides as the people that are on them could vomit. I dont even like the 'sick' icon thingy on here. Im very germaphobic when it comes to things that can give me sick bugs - food, touching meat, animals, bathrooms etc. I dont allow myself to get drunk ever - i have to have control over my body.
All my senses despise sick terribly - i cant even hear someone on tv be sick without freaking out. It does cripple what i do and how i live, i totally understand what you are going through. I dont even think hypnotism will work for this phobia either. If i had to chose between putting a bullet through my head and vomiting, i would chose the bullet - that sounds so dramatic, but its the truth.
When i was a child i was sick alot (and i would be ill at least a dozen times each time), and always at night which makes me go through periods of having panic attacks at night where i actually nearly make myself ill by worrying. If im nauseous in the day time i usually feel i will be okay - that i wont be ill. But if that happens at night i will be a complete wreck. I was on strong anti-emetics for around 8 months before my doctor realised that i shouldnt have been using them for that long (bad side effects).

I actually dont know how this phobia can be controlled (confrontation with phobias usually results in vomiting, and you see the problem with this!), but i have my own ways of calming myself when im feeling ill - i can stop myself even if im heaving. Im feeling queasy just writing the word, i dont like talking about this subject...
Im also with you on the children thing - i wont even babysit.


Well-known member
I am glad you posted. Part of the healing processes is just admitting the problem. You are young, so there is a lot of hope for you. Please get with a supportive therapist/counselor to help you uncover what is actually behind this phobia of vomit. Psychiatrists don't tend to give talk therapy. They give medications. Thank you for having the strength to share. I wish you inner peace.


Well-known member
Wolfsong...........i agree with the bullet theory! I know its sick but its like my plane theory.......i'd rather go down then be airsick!