We worry about our makeup being animal testing free....


Well-known member
I'm going to put this in more of the what the heck is wrong with the world corner of Specktra. I can't stand the idea of people even testing on animals due to the hurt and inhumane treatment they get put through something they have no say about. I used to spend hours volunteering for SPCA during calendar drives and spending time with animals to prepare them for finding homes. Animals that were afraid of humans because of sometimes being kicked by their owners or neglected of food and water and luckily SPCA stepped in to give them a new start. I promise you one dog that came in cringed because he was beat with hangers and left tied to a tree....2 months of being taken by animal control and turned over, that dog was a happy, nuzzling puppy who wagged it's tail the minute it saw you. I'm not even a big dog person but it still left me hopeful.

I am an ex-PETA volunteer but am not fanatical 24 hours a day. I don't bite nor snap on people who eat meat or who go to KFC. I realize what they do to people to make it more of a cult following. Sorry Ingrid, but I almost kicked out of college for good for that cause so no thank you. People are able to eat their chicken, cow, fish whatever without me being one to shout at them or pull out the red paint and make a scene.

I'm not just against animal testing but animal abuse. You give a dog a swift kick to the ribs just to see him yelp and cower, I could only hope that dog runs out the door the minute it has a chance and hopefully encounters someone to save it. Maybe it's me but I'll end up one of those crazy cat ladies who takes care of all the strays as I already do to the best of my ability. I've seen the Specktra thread for pets well enough to see there is a lot of people who love their cats and dogs enough to even want to share them with strangers they really don't know on here. We just took in our 2nd stray that we've encountered 3 weeks ago and she's pregnant and has the face only a mother could love....so yeah, no chance at the animal shelter but I love her just the same. I'm amazed she's as friendly as she is because she's estimated to be 3 years old and is due in 2-3 weeks so we'll have the task of finding homes for her kittens when they're old enough.

I'd love to know how a kid who kills 19 or 20 cats is still able to be released on bail. They describe him like he's a serial killer of cats and see the kid has problems but he gets to go home even temporarily. Michael Vick, the dog fighting extrordinaire, is out as well and I'm like we need harsher punishments for what these people do. When you see a cat terrified in the corner of a cage that you have to try to build a trust level back up with because some ignoramous decided it was cute to throw it against a wall, it makes you upset. I am one of those types who probably wants to save any cat or dog I can but know that controlling the population is still needed as well. I know why euthanization is done and some is human error. My newfound stray has her kittens and she's having an operation when she's healthy to prevent further kitty deliveries. Luckily my Azrael is a female so no more quickies for her.

Cat Killer Suspect May Be "Sociopath" | NBC Miami

I just needed to vent. Feel free to read and just not respond if it doesn't catch your attention. I'm not looking for attention nor on a haughty pedestal trying to provoke a war over who's views are right...just disgusted I guess.


Well-known member
I agree 100%. If more people could feel compassion and sympathy for animals smaller and weaker than they, wouldn't this be a better world for us all


Well-known member
I agree the laws are not enforced near enough and the punishments are not even close to what they ned to be.

It's great that you volunteer and can rescue and foster animals. My daughter volunteers also. We just can't foster any right now with our three older cats and our dog who is older and deaf. She also spends a lot of time writing letters to representatives all over to gets laws changed and to ask them not to support breed specific laws.


Well-known member
First let me say thank you for starting this thread. I'm an animal lover (although, i admit im still a meat eater). I try to avoid all products tested on animals (obviously with medication that impossible) and loath fur and fur wearers.

Animal abusers are the lowest of the fucking low. This "boy" should be shot in the face. Point blank. No question about it. Or tear his limbs off. That would wipe the smile of his face. I don;t care how old you are. If you're 6 or 60. If you kill or torture an animal you should be put down. Everyone knows better. EVERYONE.
People that hurt animals are simple "bad seeds" and should be weeded out of society. Some people like to go back and shed all the blame on parents, but in some cases thats just not it. They're bad from the get go. They have no empathy. They are dead inside. They get rushes and sick pleasures from hurting little animals. Anyone like that, like i said adult or not should be weeded out of society.

On the note of volunteering; i dont drive (yet) but when i get my liscence i'd like to volunteer at my SPCA. I love animals and nothing would make me happier that trying to give them decent living conditions and keep them happy while awaiting new homes.

Also, another note on the subject of animal cruelty. PLEASE do not buy your pets at PET STORES!!! Most of these puppies come from mills. For those of you who are no familiar with puppy mills they are a place where dogs are stacked into teeny cages one on top of the other. They are kept there to breed. They are never taken out of there cages. They are never petted. Never loved. Never see a vet. They are not treated with dignity or respect. They are "cash cows". They turn profit. When the female dog can no longer produce puppies they are shot. The dogs breed with their children and you end up with inbred dogs with defects. Most of all it is SO cruel and inhumane. This is where pet store dogs come from. Even if you dog comes with papers, those papers most likely lead back to a mill. No decent breeder will sell to a pet store, because most decent breeders want to make sure the dog goes to a great family, not just some shmoe off the street.
Next time you consider adding a pet to your family PLEASE go to a rescue. It doesnt have to be your local pound or SPCA, there are rescue agencies for EVERY BREED POSSIBLE! This way your (most importantly) not encouraging puppy mills/animal cruelty!, saving a life, and you're not paying pet store prices (rescue agencies are a lot cheaper). And yes you can get puppies at a rescue.

Just something to think about.
Rant over.

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
I can't understand what could make someone hurt an animal. My dog is sleeping at my feet right now and I would seriously KILL anyone who tried to do her harm.

Both my dog (Mandy) and my 2 cats (Zeus & Gizmo) came from animal rescue programs. Mandy was taken away from her owners along with her brother because they were both beaten. They were just 4 months old and they are dalmatians. When I got to the rescue her brother was already gone to another home and she just looked so sad she broke my heart and hubby and I took her on the spot!!! She was so afraid from being abused that it took her months before she ever barked. She was apparently beaten everytime she barked so she just stopped doing it. She is the most loving creature ever and I don't know how anyone could ever hurt her. She just turned 10 and is loving life!

My cat Gizmo was from a litter that was simply left at the rescue. We brought him home the same day as Mandy and he had a heart murmur (so no one wanted him) so we took him but he unfortunately was only 3 when he died of a heart attack (was only 6 weeks when we got him). Gizmo & Mandy were inseperable so when he passed our dog refused to eat for days because she was sad and lonely. So we had to go out and get a 2nd cat (also from a rescue) so Mandy would have a friend. Now Zeus (cat) and Mandy are the best of buds and they even share a birthday although it is 3 years apart.

I could not imagine my life without animals and would have a house full if I could!! I cry whenever I see the humane society commercials or hear about animal abuse of any kind. I have great respect for anyone who takes in fosters/strays to give them good homes. We personally would never think of getting an animal from a breeder or pet store when there are so many animals at shelters that need loving homes!

PLEASE go to a rescue for your pets!!! My life would not be complete without my babies!


Well-known member
I have 3 cats. One at my house/my parents house (Mojo) and two at my Boyfriends (Ginny & Grumbles) none were pet store cats.

Mojo is my soulmate. Seriously. She's sitting next to me right now. She is the greatest thing to ever happen to me. She has made me a better person, I'm sure of it. I love her more than i could ever put into words, i'm actually tearing up a bit. There's one evil little shit of a kid on my street that used to step on her tail/leg. Now Mojo is the Friendliest cat EVER! she goes around and visits all the neighbours and kids, but this kid is just evil!! I've actually threatened him before with violence. I don't care if that makes me seem like a horrible person. If you hurt my cat, i will break you god damned arm. In this case, his parents don't do a damn thing. There are no consequences for him, so he better damn will know there will be with me. Mojo is a trooper. She's had two surgeries to repair her ACL. On the second one, she tried to jump/go upstairs on her leg too early and hurt herself, so she would walk with her leg crooked up behind her. But obviously, if you put no pressure on it, it won't strengthen. She did this for like 2 weeks and wasnt getting better. While she was recovering i slept on the couch (in the living room) with her every night for a month and a half cause she cant sleep alone. She was just so sad.She really gave up and was depressed. I swear to you, one night i talked to her for like 5 hours about how she needed to try, just try a little here and there (to walk on her leg) and it would get better and easier. I shit you not, the next day she started to try. I really think we have a special connection. If i have a soul mate, it's my cat.

My other cat, Grumbles is a rescue (so is mojo) and when we got him he got cat flu a week later. There was an insane snowstorm and we couldn't get him to the vet at the SPCA for like a day or two. By the time we got him there he was so so sick. My bf brought him in. The vet accused him of neglect and told him he should film a complaint against him ( and here my bf is freaking out worried over his cat he got a week ago).Anyway, Grum was 10% dehydrated and at 12% youre dead. We tried everything to feed him/give him water, but he threw it up right away. Well, Grumbles made it! it's now 4 years old!! He stayed in kitty ICU for 2 weeks (over Christmas, he was our Christmas Miracle) and is healthy now! He still has a leaky eye and a stuffy nose, but he's healthy. He's such a loving cat. I think think animals know when you save them and they get a second chance. They love you more for it.

Ginny came from my mom's friend, who's cat had kittens. She's insane. She's not super cuddly like Mojo or grumbles, but she's funny. I don't think its a coincidence that both cats that are rescues are super super affectionate.


Well-known member
at the moment in the city where i live every few weeks they'll be a new artcle in the local papaer about another animal shot in the face with a bb gun
it's mainly cats, but hedgehogs and such have also been shot. the rspca also let out a video of people torturing a guinea pig (after 5 seconds i turned it off) the guinea pigactually made me cry because i love piggies (all mine dies so have none right now

so yeah i can't understand why people would hurt animals and i suure as hell can't understand why they are let off prisoon ans such.... surely they'll move onto 'bigger' things eventually?


Well-known member
Mabelle, you got out exactly what I felt about that kid. Like that kid is smiling in his mug shot like it was funny and he threw it in the cops' face the whole interrogation. The kid has no feeling that he was superior and took the lives of that many defenseless animals....which constitutes coward in my book. Come court time, he'll be the same pos who uses the I was bullied in school/at home defense and had to let his anger out somewhere for sympathy in the court room. I hate people like this and LMD84 is right, a good deal of serial killers start out with animals and once that gets too easy, move onto people. Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole were found to perform beastiality with live and dead animals early in their lives....the kids already killing them for sport so he could end up as screwed up as two of the most disgusting killers. The kid gets his jollies from taking the life of a creature which is disgusting to no end and only beastiality could have made this worse.

I still eat red meat occasionally but lean to poultry, fish and seafood. Everything baked poultry wise to avoid fried foods due to trying to lose weight and shoot lake and ocean food has never been so good. Medical supplies despite peoples' best efforts, are something noone has control of. Not even the vp of PETA can help that her diabetes supplies were once tested on animals so noone can judge that. People need medicine to remain healthy and in some cases alive but think it's kick ass you pay attention to animal friendly and despise fur like I do. I can't stand fur personally but some think it's fashionable to wear dead animals as an accessory and personally the closest mink I will ever own is a Mink & Sable eye shadow.

Thank you for bringing up puppy mills because that fits right in. The family that adopts from Petsmart, please know they have had investigations done on their practices regarding neglecting care of animals, leaving near dead animals stored in back rooms and knowingly keeping diseased animals with healthy ones which puts them at risk. Puppy mills are as neglectful with care as Mabelle said and that puppy you buy, could be a threat to a 4 year old child because they're overwhelmed when attention is shown and don't know how to react. That dog out of fear could attack your child but it's not really the animals' fault because it's never been shown love before to know that it's doing wrong. They become aggressive out of confusion and use it as a defense mechanism to ensure it's safety. Mabelle, I love that you pay attention to that stuff seriously because it's a huge problem.

When you go to volunteer, beware. I've always owned cats and never had a dog and never knew what happens when they get excited nor was I warned. I started playing with the puppies to get them used to people and they sometimes pee when excited. I wish someone would have warned me but you build up a tolerance to it because you know you have a shower at home. I'm not saying people should build up tolerance to getting peed on, but the person you answer to might not warn you or think you already know this. I definitely learned to wear really casual clothes 2 excited puppies in but omg, Specktra now knows I've been peed on by dogs and it was done voluntarily.

My cat Azrael is 11 months old and was found abandoned beside a bike trail. We're not sure if she left the mother or the mother left her but she was found last September near death from not eating. She refused pet milk and I had to turn to liquid Enfamil with water to dillute it down. Pet food wasn't an option because she could fit in the palm of your hand. The entire time Jason and I were doing swing shifts to feed, I had to stimulate her anus with a Q-Tip to try to get her to have bowel movements. We thought she might not make it and a couple weeks in she gained half a pound and she stayed fighting. We consider her our miracle baby since we'll never be able to have kids unless we adopt which we're both at peace with. We both treat them like they're our kiddies only with t's instead.

Azzy is named that for a reason...she's pompous, arrogant, thinks the world revolves around her and is spoiled beyond all belief. She remembers nothing of what she went through or realizes she's got whipped parents because she expects things but is never humble. I had to reorganize my vanity style dresser because a certain feline bats liquidlast liners and my MES like they're hockey pucks...seriously if I forgot to put the MES away, I'd find it beside my dresser later. Funny thing is she never touched Maybelline Great Lash but still is highly intrigued by my Clinique or EL mascaras....I hope she's not a snob but her arrogance is odd. She cannot stand to be pet by me but expects me to spend an hour or so with a laser pointer while her dad is allowed to cuddle her. I think she forgot I was the one who went to work with a Q-Tip to make her comfortable but she smoozes to me only when she wants something.

Our newest stray Mogwai is almost a month old and the pregnant one. Three years old and the friendliest I've seen and let's me pet her all the time unlike Azzy who is daddy's girl. She's extremely pregnant and is already looking for hiding places to give birth because she's ready to pop. Our neighbors we noticed left food outside and we finally made her acquaintance when she was on our patio chair one day and brought her inside. Scared and meowing at our patio door for ages and I tried to calm her down and pet her and she allowed it. Shocked me because usually strays I've encountered are scared, flee or become aggravated because they don't understand the attention. I think Mabelle's right because this cat is appreciative with everything when our Azzy was too young to remember what she went through. This cat would be given a couple weeks at a pound because her age and she's very eccentric looking but we're keeping her and one of her kittens because we don't want her feeling a loss as bad. I'm in love with both of them and Azzy is still trying to figure out why this one has stayed so long so she's in for a wake up call come kitty delivery which she won't be in the room for.

It would make sense that I'm still addicted to Oliver & Company and Aristocats but eh, I've got the fiance hooked too.
If only I could get him to unglue himself from the gaming tournaments for 360 that get held here and we'd be perfect.


Well-known member
^ unfortunately i live in Quebec, the puppy mill Capital of North America. It's awful. We have 7 inspectors for our entire province. They estimate theres something like 1500 mills operating. These 7 inspectors have to gain a warrant and go through a huge rigmarole to access the property. If found guilty the operators could face a 15 000 dollar fine or minimal jail time (which they never see, even in the worst cases). With a 15 000 fine, they can be up and running in a weeks time.
There have been huge raids in the past where the Humane society has come with volunteers from all over the US vowing to shut down Quebec puppy mills. I hope they do, cause our government is full of empty promises.
These cases take forever to go to court, and it could be determined that the people who are fostering the dogs have to return them to the owners, depending on the ruling. How fucked up is that?

Anyway, i think that one of the biggest problems i have with Quebec. It really disgusts me.


Well-known member
^^^ I knew it was bad but never knew it was that bad. Seven inspectors can't keep up with that many mills and you'd figure they'd put more work into making sure animals were being bred and housed properly. That fine is paid through the court so they're able to go back to their lives because lack of punishment past monetary. Most of these douches probably have the money no problem because of the value of certain breeds too so they lose nothing. Turning the dogs back over is just endangering the animal to unethical treatment all over again so they're just setting up a replay of the situation. That's a disgusting slap on the wrist approach and it's says they're allowing victimization of animals.

I'd seriously reapply for my passport to help the Animal Humane Society kick some of these places down. I never knew they had volunteers that could do this but it would definitely help. We have privately owned puppy mills throughout the US and I thought it was just in our country honestly.

You've got to love all these people breeding rottweilers, pitbulls and dobermans now.....we have people that have dogfights in the city and place bets on which dog will destroy the other one. There was a guy down by Pratt Street who had his dog chained to a tree without a collar and the chain had dug into the dogs throat. Severely malnourished and had all these bite wounds all over him exposed. The owner didn't care and was killing the dog slowly and selfishly. Honestly, I'm a huge cat person but when you see these things, you cry and I mean things hit me hard so I always thought I was just overly sensitive about it.

I'm glad someone else out there sees there's a lot of disgusting things being done to creatures that have no say. Go figure, a makeup forum and I find people who share the same passions yet I have friends here who could give a damn less. Go Specktra ftw.


Well-known member
The humane society left, and i don't know when or if they are planning on coming back. Every now and then they do a couple huge puppy mill raids and it gets brought back into the media. This happened.... last fall maybe?

I watch all those animal rescue shows every night. There are such awful acts of cruelty on it, but it makes me feel better to know that there are people out there using all their power to protect the animals and to seek justice. I especially like the NY one, cause those bad asses bust down doors. I wish theyd bust up these people's faces.


Well-known member
^^ I can see if the Humane Society has a spot if they're planning to do do this again. I'd give up 3 months of cosmetic shopping to make the trip and make sure all my needs were covered. Maybe they're doing it again and are taking volunteers....many thanks because you all have a pretty large problem with lack of people inspecting compared to the number of places run. Not enough people are involved to stop it.

I watched one once on Animal Planet and I can't handle it. I know that makes me seem like a total wuss but I cry easily at seeing things like animal abuse or neglect. Usually the animals that would come to the SPCA were adoptable and recovering from what they went through so they'd be suitable for re-placement in a new home. You'll find pet ads everywhere from the Pennysaver to Craigslist here with people looking for new homes for pets and here in Maryland, some of it is because people can't afford to keep them now in the recession. Their pride and joy of two years has to go because they can't afford it's care.

There's people that report "strays" for animal control to pick up and it will be the pet that these people have had but can't afford to keep up with. Luckily sometimes a home can be found since they're calm and adapted to people already unless they're older. We kept Mogwai because at 3, no kid is going to run to her and get excited about a playful kitten and neither one of us can stand the idea of a tame animal beng euthanized because no home could be found. Our turnaround is 2 - 3 weeks for placement or they have to put the animal "down" which really is no time at all but we have a huge problem with stray animals here.

TV shows and videos I react to way too easily and I'm very sensitive to some causes. I've seen some awful things but it lets me know I still have a heart enough to care. Most people don't donate unless there's an incentive and luckily the t shirts and calendars help out...like here ours are $35 but it all goes toward housing and keeping up with animals' care. With the Falls Road location here, it's right outside of the city so you're bound to see some gruesome sights when some hit SPCA first instead of animal control. People get mad about adoption fees and charges for a spaying/neutering but it's still cheaper than a vet plus they run a background check to make sure you're suitable to be taking care of pets. I'd rather the fee be there then have some random asshole come in and adopt an animal that they'll end up starving to death or beating but some of these types still get through that door.

That kid who was arrested will never be able to apopt via Humane Society and SPCA with those charges but I'm hoping he gets years worth of jail/prison time. That kid is the start of way bigger issues and none of it being noteworthy. If I had my way about it, he'll have to go through life known as that uncaring cat killer who rotted in a jail cell but bastards like him get attorneys who come up with concocted defenses and get lesser charges unfortunately. He has mommy/daddy money to fight some of the damage from the charges so god knows where he'll end up incarceration wise...I hate young and dumb types because they find loopholes that only attorneys can provide. It's bad enough you open the Baltimore Sun or The Gazette here and read some new case of animal abuse and this person being arrested so often...it's just disturbing and seems like a trend.


Well-known member
All nine of my cats are rescues- and they are truly like children to me. One I raised from three weeks old, and hand-fed her, and slept with her head on my heart so she could relax. I can't think of anyone harming any animal without feeling insane rage. We are vegetarian and active in the animal rights organizations in our town. I think the cat-killer should have to face the wrath and grief of his victims' owners, and I think he should have the maximum jailtime possible in general population (and I hope some of the other inmates are big animal lovers and show him what they think of his behavior). I have less empathy for most humans than I do for animals. Maybe that's wrong, but it's the way I've always been.


Well-known member
While I don't like to see animals hurt or abused and I think it's quite sick for someone to hurt,torture ANYTHING for shits and giggles, I feel like quite a hypocrite when I condemn people who do this to animals because I've seen slaughter houses, I've been in them and I know what that cow and chicken went through before it was a steak on my plate or that tasty chicken sandwich from Chick Fil A, yet I continue to eat meat. Even free range animals aren't treated all that great. =(

There is so much hate in the world it makes me sick to think about. Judges and the like are going to feel like complete pricks when this kid goes on to kill, torture and rape women and/or children.

I love organizations like the SPCA, they do such wonderful things and REALLY want to make a difference, unlike PETA who only wants to cause scenes and media whore around.

As far as laws go, I imagine it's pretty hard to enforce laws on animal cruelty when the majority of this country dines on KFC meals every now and again (and probably more than that)... Finding a judge to enforce these harsh punishments seems to be next to impossible and unheard of. It's sad, especially because most of the people who torture animals for the fun of it usually go on to harm human beings. Hell, how many serial killers tortured animals as children? Freakin' scary! Our country (US) is so backwards in so many ways. That kid will probably get in more trouble for the posession of marijuana than the torture/killing of those cats. It's CRAZY to me that a rapist can go to prison (or any violent offender) for a few years, get out and live their life...Yet someone who gets caught with an ounce of weed can say "bye bye" to their freedom for 10 years or more! There is something seriously wrong with that!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
. I have less empathy for most humans than I do for animals. Maybe that's wrong, but it's the way I've always been.

Oh girl, i feel the same way most of the time. There are so many vile people that hurt each other, hurt animals, hurt our planet. We are the cause of suffering. Not anything/anyone else. Why should i feel sorry for the humane race when we create everything that is bad?
Animals are innocent. They are not malicious. They survive. They kill to survive, to eat. They don't do on torturing/raping/murdering rampages. They don't burn their habitats to the ground. They don't exploit our natural resources. They aren't over reheating our planet. They haven't started genocides. It's all us, humans. So yes, i get more angry about an animal getting abused than a human (generally).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
All nine of my cats are rescues- and they are truly like children to me. One I raised from three weeks old, and hand-fed her, and slept with her head on my heart so she could relax. I can't think of anyone harming any animal without feeling insane rage. We are vegetarian and active in the animal rights organizations in our town. I think the cat-killer should have to face the wrath and grief of his victims' owners, and I think he should have the maximum jailtime possible in general population (and I hope some of the other inmates are big animal lovers and show him what they think of his behavior). I have less empathy for most humans than I do for animals. Maybe that's wrong, but it's the way I've always been.

I had to do this with Azrael when she was found away from her mother off the bike trail and it's a lot of work. There was a concocted cat milk recipe involving gelatin that a vet gave us and we stayed feeding her and now she's a snobby and spoiled cat who is infatuated with laser pointers. She hates the new rescue Mogwai and has been withdrawn since she gave birth....she hisses easier at us and she was stubborn before but now she barely is herself past wanting her food, water, treats and occasional play time. We're trying to make her more comfortable and make her know we don't love her any less but she hates those newborns with a passion. I wish I could keep all 5 but I'm fighting to keep 2 of the newborns and my fiance has said only one...I'm already attached to them and am highly involved in taking care of the runt. The mother had problems not discharging enough milk but I've been kind of priming her so she can continue feeding and all of them are healthy and moving already. 3 have their eyes open and all can walk towards your voice and the mother has been letting us be active since she was distressed regarding them struggling to feed. Like a couple of them cuddle up to my chest and nuzzle and fall asleep when they're anxious....it's been the oddest delivery I've been around for because the mothers were always really territorial before and were like witch you don't touch my kittens until I say so. If I didn't live in an apartment, they'd all be kept but I'll be able to see them all still the way we have things arranged. XD

I 100% agree with your view because animals don't choose their own fates as we do. They have no say when they get shacked up with an abusive oddball and get the treatment that mentally imbalanced person gives them. I feel less for the person who's a drug dealer and shot in a drive by because they chose that lifestyle despite the risk. I've worked trying to get people to have faith in themselves again after gang involvement and seen repeated failures yet animals don't choose their paths and yet die innocently. I feel for the innocent but it's harder to feel bad for someone who made their own choices so totally get what you're saying. I'd be more than fine seeing Bubba take this punk down and make him his b!tch and I'd love to see the families get to testify at the trials because this punk did take something they loved away from them and brutally too.

Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one who feels that way.


Well-known member
I absolutely hate how our society abuses animals for economic and entertainment purposes. Zoos? What the hell sort of backwards idea is that? Why the hell are there elephants in Canada? What sort of freak people pay cash to see animals in that sort of condition? It's abuse and people get off on it? PEOPLE ENJOY IT? We are nothing but animals ourselves, and the way we treat wildlife is proof of that. We are a very, very twisted species...I'm even going as far to say we're parasites. The things we do to animals is nauseating and I can only pray that animals take back the reigns and show us a thing or two about cruelty. I hate that we have entire industries built upon the manufacturing of livestock. I hate that we have to test PRODUCTS MEANT FOR HUMANS on fucking animals. If you hurt an animal, you should be put in jail for min. 5 years. How the hell can we decide that a human life is more valuable than an animals?

BUH. I have so much to say about this, but it's going to turn into one big, jumbled rant. I can say that the way society puts itself above animals is why I am completely misanthropic.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
at the moment in the city where i live every few weeks they'll be a new artcle in the local papaer about another animal shot in the face with a bb gun
it's mainly cats, but hedgehogs and such have also been shot. the rspca also let out a video of people torturing a guinea pig (after 5 seconds i turned it off) the guinea pigactually made me cry because i love piggies (all mine dies so have none right now

so yeah i can't understand why people would hurt animals and i suure as hell can't understand why they are let off prisoon ans such.... surely they'll move onto 'bigger' things eventually?

That is TWISTED. Why the hell aren't there punishments for this? How the fuck do people get away with this?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
First let me say thank you for starting this thread. I'm an animal lover (although, i admit im still a meat eater). I try to avoid all products tested on animals (obviously with medication that impossible) and loath fur and fur wearers.

Animal abusers are the lowest of the fucking low. This "boy" should be shot in the face. Point blank. No question about it. Or tear his limbs off. That would wipe the smile of his face. I don;t care how old you are. If you're 6 or 60. If you kill or torture an animal you should be put down. Everyone knows better. EVERYONE.
People that hurt animals are simple "bad seeds" and should be weeded out of society. Some people like to go back and shed all the blame on parents, but in some cases thats just not it. They're bad from the get go. They have no empathy. They are dead inside. They get rushes and sick pleasures from hurting little animals. Anyone like that, like i said adult or not should be weeded out of society.

On the note of volunteering; i dont drive (yet) but when i get my liscence i'd like to volunteer at my SPCA. I love animals and nothing would make me happier that trying to give them decent living conditions and keep them happy while awaiting new homes.

Also, another note on the subject of animal cruelty. PLEASE do not buy your pets at PET STORES!!! Most of these puppies come from mills. For those of you who are no familiar with puppy mills they are a place where dogs are stacked into teeny cages one on top of the other. They are kept there to breed. They are never taken out of there cages. They are never petted. Never loved. Never see a vet. They are not treated with dignity or respect. They are "cash cows". They turn profit. When the female dog can no longer produce puppies they are shot. The dogs breed with their children and you end up with inbred dogs with defects. Most of all it is SO cruel and inhumane. This is where pet store dogs come from. Even if you dog comes with papers, those papers most likely lead back to a mill. No decent breeder will sell to a pet store, because most decent breeders want to make sure the dog goes to a great family, not just some shmoe off the street.
Next time you consider adding a pet to your family PLEASE go to a rescue. It doesnt have to be your local pound or SPCA, there are rescue agencies for EVERY BREED POSSIBLE! This way your (most importantly) not encouraging puppy mills/animal cruelty!, saving a life, and you're not paying pet store prices (rescue agencies are a lot cheaper). And yes you can get puppies at a rescue.

Just something to think about.
Rant over.

Puppy mills disgust me.

This is terrible, but I have an automatic prejudice against people who have purebreds. I know not all purebreds are produced in a puppy mill, but it's an automatic response. It's nothing against the doggies, I just hate the idea of a puppy whose father is also his brother and second cousin. Sure, the dog is pretty, but the poor thing is going to have so many difficulties.

Our family always thought that my dog was a mut. But we recently found out that she's actually a Korean Jindo dog, and I'm pretty convinced that she was abandoned as a puppy just because she has a lazy ear, even though she's the most intelligent dog I've ever met (and I'm not just saying that because she's my baby


Well-known member
Originally Posted by paperfishies
Our country (US) is so backwards in so many ways. That kid will probably get in more trouble for the posession of marijuana than the torture/killing of those cats. It's CRAZY to me that a rapist can go to prison (or any violent offender) for a few years, get out and live their life...Yet someone who gets caught with an ounce of weed can say "bye bye" to their freedom for 10 years or more! There is something seriously wrong with that!

I totally concur