website ideas?


Well-known member
I have no idea where this topic should go here.....but anyhoo.....I love Specktra so much and I love to get inspiration from the many fabulous looks on here but.....I mainly use Lancome products......and only a few girls use some Lancome products on here so....I was there a site similar to Specktra on the net that is for Lancome lovers?..........I'm seriously thinking that if there isn't one, I would love to make one.........any ideas?.........thanks in advance girls!


Well-known member
I would love it if there was a Lancome website like Specktra! idk how popular it'd be however, but hopefully it could probably be good if lancome lovers from mua come over. Think you will make one?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by turtle_pixie_
I would love it if there was a Lancome website like Specktra! idk how popular it'd be however, but hopefully it could probably be good if lancome lovers from mua come over. Think you will make one?

well.....I wouldn't know the first thing about making one.....I'm sure there are fees you have to pay and stuff like that.......I do have a friend that designs websites in his spare time but.....I don't have too much time to devote to it.......I'd just love for there to be something like that because Specktra, as much as I love it, doesn't cater towards brands other than know? far as new releases, looks, color stories..........


Well-known member
I could help you out if you wanted? I got the computing prize and desiging stuff is one of my hobbies. We could set up a paypal donation fund to get funds, as I can't use paypal (stupid bank), and it wouldn't be fair on you to pay.


Well-known member know...this is starting to seem like a really cool idea........and thanks so much for offering to help....
....I think I'm gonna think about it.....