Wedding makeup ideas? - I'm new :)


Well-known member
Hi everyone! This is my first on Specktra, but I've been looking at all the wonderul info on the boards for a few months now.

Anyway, I am doing the makeup for my coworker's wedding. It will be in the fall, and her bridesmaids will be wearing dresses that are similar in colour to Satin Taupe and Coco pigment. What are your recs for the eyes, lips, cheeks...everything? Thanks so much!


Well-known member
From what your're describing, I would go with coco pigment. Its also hard to say cause we have no idea what the clients skin colors are. You definately want to stay in the neutrals, you dont want anything too flashy. Coco pigment, teddy eyeliner, Maybe Midi mauve lipstick, Blush, something like fantastik plastic, or nars orgasm.
Good luck!


Well-known member
the above recommendations are great. depending on the coloring of the girls, another color i thought of is satin taupe. that could look really pretty w/ that color dress i think too. satin taupe always looks great w/ shroom in the inner corners and prunella eye kohl. of course you could add a crease color to deepen it depending on what the girls wanted. good luck!


Well-known member
because the dresses are a neutral color, i would ask the bride what color all the flowers are that the girls will be holding, and use very subtle shades of that. I wouldn't want their faces to wash with their dresses.