Weight Watchers


Well-known member
Hey everyone,

So I just started WW. It is amazing how distorted my portions were!! One bowl of cereal to me was actually like 2 and a half. Yipes!

Has anyone done WW on here?
Any stories? Successess?



Active member
I have done Weight Watchers in the past and yes, it really does work. I've been off of it for a while now, but I'm thinking about going back on it because my portions are getting out of control (lol).

A few tips:
Find all the snacks you can in the 100 calorie packs...they are only 2 points!

Weight Watchers makes a Cookies n' Cream ice cream bar that is out of this world, and it's only 2 points!

Nature's Own has this Light Honey Wheat bread that I think is only like 1 or 2 points for 2 slices...this is good for those days that you feel you just have to have bread.

The Baked Doritos are GREAT!....and you can have like 15-17 chips for only 3 points if I recall correctly.

Those are all the tips I can think of for now, just eat a lot of low point foods and you won't feel like you are starving yourself.

Good Luck...keep us posted on how you are doing...you just may inspire me to go back on it.


Well-known member
I have done WW as well & lost a lot of weight on it before. It's a really great diet & you get to eat whatever you want (of course not as much as you want, which is the point
I like the fact that I could still go out to eat, or eat fast foods, as my schedule does not always permit a home-cooked meal. Just stick to your points & drink lots of water. You will lose weight. All the info from above are great tips. I also like to eat a Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice, or Smart Ones for lunch. They are really tasty, and the Lean Cuisines have the WW points on them! I need to get back on it as well. When I heard you were on it, you got me all excited about the diet again!! Good luck!


Well-known member
I'm so excited! None of my clothes are fitting well...and rather than resorting putting them on Ebay- I will keep them because I WILL fit into them again

Thanks girls for your comments! I appreciate it!

Another Janice!

Well-known member
Originally Posted by hdirenzo
I'm so excited! None of my clothes are fitting well...and rather than resorting putting them on Ebay- I will keep them because I WILL fit into them again

Thanks girls for your comments! I appreciate it!

^^^^ LOL....exactly what I have done.

Weight Watchers is a great program...I went on it last May...lost 30 pounds in about 4 months...then the holidays came.

I gained all but 7 of it back.

6/15/07 I went back on. I am hell bent on seeing it through this time. I had to beat it into my head that WW is NOT a diet!! It is a lifestyle change.

My biggest hurdle is that I think food is always a reward. We go out to eat...I go into *holiday* mode...."ohhh...its been a long week...I should treat myself" "I've been being so good...this whole pan of brownies can be walked off"

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it only works if you stay with it...lol. I have to tell myself that all the time.

Looking at pre children pictures of myself helps out a lot. Compliments from friends, family and co workers really help out too.


Well-known member
This is great to read this thread as I am going along to my first WW meeting tonight, although it's not really for me but for my boyfriend who's being dragged along too. He needs to lose at least 70 pounds and just has not got the willpower to stick to anything. I've explained calories and everything to him, but he needs a support group to help him so I'm hoping this will work, as his health is at risk. I'll be giving him the tips from above! Maybe I'll also lose a few pounds too.


Well-known member
I joined weight watchers last summer and I managed to loose 20 pounds over 4 months and then I went back to University and the meetings were too far away and I gained it all back. I'd like to start it up again but I can't seem to find a meeting that makes my schedule.
hdirenzo: Congrats for starting it.


Well-known member
I have had a lot of experience with weight watchers through my sister. She has been on it back and forth way before points!

Basically there are the core and flex plans. To me core has more of a south beach feel while with flex you can eat whatever you want.
I find that the main point behind ww are the support you get at the meeting and the forcing you to measure your portions!

The best advice I can give it plan plan plan! With flex it helps to know a day in advance what you will eat the next day, and base the things you have around your daily points allottment. Like to indulge? Save the 35 flex points for a mini splurge one day a week- it gives you something to look forward to do. Just always remember to keep it in moderation and you will do well


Well-known member
I just went out to eat with a friend. Normally, I would have ordered cheese burger and fries. Today, Grilled chicken with marinara sauce...didnt even finish it all! It felt good

I knew when to stop...before I was full and bloated!


Well-known member
It must be that time of year because I started today. I tried once before but just didn't stick with it. Did Atkins and lost 20 pounds but gained it back. This time I'm trying again...I turn 40 in 2008, I would like to be in the best shape I've been in, in a long time by then so I figure start now


Well-known member
Haha...talk about some motivation. I was reading the US Weekly with Corey Haim losing all this weight. He had the most awesome quote: "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"....ill think about them when eating junkola while on my diet lol


Well-known member
i was on ww for 3 months and lost 20 pounds..i dont make alot of money so i stopped paying for it monthly...i gained some back and i dont plan on doing it again..its just my personal choice...but ww was still a great experience and i would recommend it to anyone


Well-known member
It is pricey...i should see if they have financial aid OR if my insurance will pay lol


Well-known member
lol...no. I have been dreading the dress part. When I lose the 10% I want to lose, than i will start looking!

So today was the first weigh in! Granted I am on my period, but i still lost 1.4 lbs! Yay!!


Well-known member
So today was the first weigh in! Granted I am on my period, but i still lost 1.4 lbs! Yay!!

Yahh for you! Once your period ends, I'm sure the scale will go down even more. That used to happen to me too. Great job! Keep it up!!