weird lid - how to conceal?


Well-known member
My eyes are small and one lid is much more hooded than the other. Now when I use e/s, I put bright/light shimmery colors on the lid, medium matte colors in the crease and as lower liner and go dark only in the outer v (just outmost crease and lower liner).

The normal eye looks fine with this, but the creased/ overhanging part of the other one is really obvious and always showing through the e/s and bugs me to no end, since it's ruining all the fun of making myself up!

Do you know any trick to conceal this/ even the difference out optically, without making my eyes look smaller? I already tried using dark shadow on the lid up to just over the crease, but that seems to somehow put weight on my eyes and they look really tiny.

Can someone help me with this please? Also, color suggestions are always very welcome!


Well-known member
Honestly I had to look *really* hard to see anything different about your lids!! It's not obvious at all!

Maybe just doing a wash of color over the entire lid and crease area would minimize it. Shroom would be pretty, also Era and Paradisco. Try lining halfway across on the upper lid only; this will open up the eye area. If you do liner/shadow on the bottom, again only go halfway across, and use a shimmery shade (again Shroom or Phloof!) in the inner corners. Another trick would be white eyeliner on the waterlines. Also, individual lashes/lots of mascara on the outer corners will give a wide-set look. For a smokey look try Shale as a wash with a little Phone Number eye kohl. I hope I've helped some!


Well-known member
Thank you for giving me new ideas!
I'll have to try using only one light-to-medium color on the whole upper lid and crease - I was too stuck on my defining-the-crease-with-darker-colors-routine to think of this myself, and I never highlighted my inner corners too. White eyekhol on the waterlines is already in daily action
And it would be awesome if that smokey look with Shale works out, sounds great!

What bugs me so much is really the difference - I wouldn't mind if both lids were hooded, but I don't like yet another part of me to be totally asymmetrical. But it's good to know that not everyone notices it at first sight!