Weird, paranoid, kind of embarrassing question...


Well-known member
Okay, so, you'll have to excuse me if this is too personal to go in the "MAC Chat" area, but it seemed the most fitting. Basically, our Nordstrom out here is having a trend show on Saturday and MAC will be doing makeovers after that. I scheduled an appointment with a MA, and I'm hoping maybe they'll introduce a little color into my makeup diet. I'm pretty boring as far as that goes.

The problem, however, is that I don't know anything about going in to the counter to get my makeup done. I don't know what I'm supposed to expect them to do, what I should have already done (i.e. should I go in with my foundation and they do the other stuff, or do they start from scratch?), etc. Also, I have really crappy skin and I almost NEVER leave the house without SOMETHING on. I scares the crap out of me to even think about it. So...the thought of walking into the MALL without makeup brings me to tears. Maybe I shouldn't have scheduled it, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.

I don't know. Have any of you dealt with this? What about anyone who works for MAC?

And feel free to tell me if I'm being dumb and paranoid.


Well-known member
Don't worry about going in with no makeup- just wear your basic foundation and concealer, and then the MA can take it off before she puts you in new stuff. That way you won't be going in with nothing on, and you'll only be bare-faced for a minute or two. When I have appointments scheduled, it's very rare that they come in with no makeup on. Hey, we're there to sell products, and it's a good way to show off our makeup removers! Hope that helps you!


Well-known member
I don't work for MAC but at my work, if people are worried about at least having something on, I just tell them to wear their base and then we can just do cheeks, eyes and lips or like she said above we can wash it off and start new there. I don't think I'd go all out on mascara, liner, etc. You'll have fun, remember us MA's are not there to pass judgement on you, just give you some new ideas and show you new products. Trust me we've seen every skin type, makeup mistake, you name it, I'm sure you not having a full face on is no biggie and I'm positive you're much harder on yourself then need be, you're beautiful no matter what honey!


Well-known member
This is a great question! I have wondered the same thing and it's a big reason I haven't gone to get my make-up done. I know it's silly to not just ask them, but sometimes it can be a little overwhelming.


Well-known member
The event you're going to is Nordstrom's BOL (Beauty On Location).. and for the appointment.. they are just basically going to do your entire makeup for you.. and if you have any questions throughout the makeover.. ask away! It's a really big event for Nordstrom so you might even see some MAC trainers there doing makeovers as well.

You can go in there with foundation on.. the artist will just have you remove it before she does your makeup.

Don't be nervous -- have fun with it! It's an awesome opportunity to learn new techniques and get some updated colors for your collection as well


Well-known member
I was in the same seat you are =) Except I just wanted to try some MAC foundation vs going to an event. I have horrible, acne scarred skin and was SUPER nervous and uncomfortable thinking about going in. But yah know what? The MA was super sweet and I actually was amazingly comfortable even having my makeup off in the harsh lights of nordies! Just relax and i'm sure you'll have a positive experience =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Katura
I'm slowly getting over it though, as I cant wear makeup with my motorcycle helmet....*It would get all over the inside and be gross*

Yeah my boyfriend begs me not wear make-up when i go for a ride with him because it does get all in the inside of his helmet!

That's so cool you ride!!! I want to learn! What kind of bike do you ride?