What are you studying or did study?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by celestia
monter: YAY! industrial psych
I'm not entirely familiar with an 'honours minor' History of ideas DOES sound interesting! I wish we had something like that offered here. haha I love how different (or similar) education systems can get
MAN I wish our trials were more theatrical... are there national mock trial competitions of any sort? haha that in itself would be a marvelous spectacle I'd love to experience- even just once!
It sounds like you've experienced a wide spectrum in the field of study. I'm impressed xD

Info on History of Ideas from my University.
It's kind of an obscure field of study; I've only heard of a couple of other colleges that offer anything like that. It's called an honors minor because only students that are in the honors program can take classes in that field (unless they get permission from their guidance counselor).

There are law school trial teams in the US! It's a huge deal at my school. My law school has one of the top trial teams in the country.
I don't participate on the team myself, but I did take two classes in Trial Advocacy (which is basically just learning how to put on a trial!), and my profs were the coaches of the trial team. I feel very, very prepared as far as stepping into a courtroom now. It's scary, but it's fun once you get the hang of it!

I know you asked someone else this, but in the US, you don't have to take any specific kind of major in undergrad to get into law school. It's based on academic performance in general, plus your scores on your LSAT (which is a hellish standardized test just for law school admissions). I'm 99% sure you have to have completed undergraduate in order to get into law school in the US; you can't go straight out of high school.

Everyone here has such interesting backgrounds! Fun to see that all of us MAC lovers are interested in such a wide variety of things.


I am still doing my pre-requisites for a nursing program. We have had to move a-lot and every school has different pre-requisites so I have been going to school for 4 years and have not been able to apply to a program. If I wanted to I could take 1 class and have an Associates in Arts and Science. (Of course I did have 2 kids through all this time too so that has slowed me down a bit as far as school goes)


Well-known member
I got a Bachelor's and Master's in biomedical engineering w/ a focus on imaging systems. Basically, I learned how to process the signals received from the various imaging system in order to convert them into the actual images i.e. a lot of code writing. I had high hopes for writing THE code to be used in all the MRI machines across the country,
Could I sound any more nerdy? But, I will say that my advisor/professor did have that accomplishment under his belt so it's not as far fetched as one may think.

Then I decided I had no desire to work in the engineering industry.

So now, I will begin medical school in July
. I'm definitely excited...and nervous...very nervous.


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MBA / Finance and International Business:

have owned and developed my own company for the last 16 years

Shadowy Lady

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I studied Mechanical Engineering and graduated 4 years ago. Loved my major and love my job now
It's a new challenge everyday...


Well-known member
I did law at uni and then my vocational course for a year afterwards, did my training contract for two years, became a fully qualified lawyer this september just gone. My "areas of expertise" are banking, debt finance, capital markets, public companies and equity finance and acquisitions.


Well-known member
Have had a varied education. Studied Mass Media and Communication for a year at college (focusing on Public Relations and journalism), Studied Archaeology and Ancient History, but just a few weeks before I was due to enter my final year, I transfered to a different university to study Law (best decision ever). Awaiting the results (due on Monday-eeek!) to see if I've past my first year and can go into my second year. Hope to work in medical advocacy and medical negligence.


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I studied Computer Science, graduated almost 5 years ago. I'm working as an IT consultant
Am thinking of doing MBA next year.


Well-known member
Wow you guys are all so clever - you should all be really proud of yourselves!!

I am a complete f**k up!!

I kept trying to study but always panicked before the exams at the end so never got past an A-level education, I finally earned a diploma in media and did some computing stuff to back up my web design career but I'm so bored of that right now!!

I'm going back to school in September to do a level 2 beauty course and a cosmetic make up course and I'm hoping that it will make my life more interesting to have something that doesn't involve me staring at a computer screen all day (although I do spend quite a bit of time on Specktra shhh don't tell the boss!). Even if it doesn't become a full time career I'll be spending time doing something I love which should put a smile on my face!!


Well-known member
I'm in my senior year at Florida International University majoring in Business Management. I have plenty of management experience so as soon as I complete my degree, I'll be much more marketable to earn a decent salary...


Well-known member
Currently half way through a BA with an Honours Major in Psych, and a Minor in Music. I'm going to the University of British Columbia, which has an intense Honours Program and I'm really excited to start researching in the fall. I know I'm going to do another degree after this, the question is what in. I've thought about doing the MA/Psy.D route and practicing as a psychologist, or going into social work (I'd have a lot of pre-reqs to catch up on), or even getting into nursing, maybe as a psychiatric nurse. I don't know. In the past six months the wide world of the health care industry has started to open up for me and I am so torn between so many options.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by anita22
I have a Bachelor of Arts in Design (as in graphic design), a Bachelor of Commerce in International Business, and also a postgraduate diploma in International Business. Sounds like an odd combo I know, I basically just studied whatever interested me and hoped it would one day lead to a job I liked

Actually that plan didn't work out too badly, I work in marketing, specifically in the area of brand management, covering several different country markets. So in the end, I managed to find something that requires creativity, business skills, and has an 'international' element to it, too.

Miss Robot - have you thought about doing internships or even getting into a sales role? I know sales is a bit of an ugly word and not for everyone, but if you're serious about getting into marketing it can be a real bonus to have on your CV. To be a good marketer you often have to have a good understanding of your sales teams and how they work, not to mention your client/customer base. I know the previous company I worked for often recruited for marketing roles from its sales team. I guess it ultimately depends what area of marketing you want to end up in, but it's just a thought, and it might be a "foot in the door".

I'm definitely trying to look into internships, unfortunately since I've moved home (from the Bay Area to Hawaii) the number available is shockingly tiny
I've gotten numerous calls for sales positions, and you're right, sales is ugly. I'm also really interested in brand management as well as product management and did have an emphasis in international business while I was in school. In fact, I just decided a few days ago to actually throw myself into a situation where I'd definitely be working in an international type setting. I'm going to move to the Philippines and see what I can get myself into, hopefully opportunities will be more plentiful then.

Thanks again for the advice! Happy for you that you're in a job that let's you incorporate all of your interests!


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I have a BSc(Hons) in Applied Maths and Physics, and in the third and final year of a PhD in Theoretical Physics. Absolutely no idea why I decided to do either.


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I studied art for nearly a year, then I dropped out. College isn't for me, I just don't do well in educational institutes, they don't suit everyone...
I prefer to just work really, it makes me feel like I'm actively doing something instead of just faffing about reading things and burning through money, with not guarantee of anything ever coming out of it... (NOT trying to insult anyone with this, it's just IMO..)


Well-known member
First degree in Economics (Michigan State University,U.S), worked for 3 years at Citi Bank just wrapped up my MBA (Cass Business School, London). Plan on working for a bit in consulting and setting up my own consulting firm


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Double major- psychology and economics... will be done in less than a year and then off to graduate school.


Active member
on my second year at york university studying kinesiology..
hoping to be a chiropractor or physiotherapistttt.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iadoremac
First degree in Economics (Michigan State University,U.S), worked for 3 years at Citi Bank just wrapped up my MBA (Cass Business School, London). Plan on working for a bit in consulting and setting up my own consulting firm

Oooh my law school was just opposite this building!