What are your (MAC) cosmetics resolutions for 2009?


Well-known member
1. Buy Chrome Yellow.

2. Wear Chrome Yellow.

3. Use ALL of my eyeshow more, not just the neutrals.

4. Purchase no lipgloss or lipstick period. I have more than I will ever use.

5. Take a field trip to the Dallas PRO store and pick up a blush palette. And maybe Devil blush


Active member
1. Buy a new camera so i can start posting my looks

2. Get more paint pots
3.Use more cream color base (works really well as a eyeshadow base)
4. Write to UD and let them know that even though Primer potion is
absolutely wonderful, they need to come up with a better bottle design... Its alot of working cutting open those little bottles and realizing there is ALOT of product let.( ive thrown away one to many lol.)

5.Buy more mac of course lol

I think thats it for now


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sdtjefferson
1. Buy Chrome Yellow.

2. Wear Chrome Yellow.

Chrome Yellow is gorgeous!! Try it with greens like Wondergrass


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sdtjefferson
5. Take a field trip to the Dallas PRO store and pick up a blush palette. And maybe Devil blush

Wave at me ...I live about 4 blocks from the Dallas Pro store ...it's painful!


Well-known member
1. wear my make up more often
2. actually go some place where it's worth wearing make up (the school playground is hardly high society)
3.visit a pro store either in london or in orlando when we go over in oct.
4.have a make over
5. be more daring with lip colour and cheeks, i tend to concentrate on eyes then quickly slap the rest on, which means i need to uy more lip and cheek products
6.not get sucked into the LE collections, i don't have enough money to do it and still need lots of regulars
7. increase my brush collection


Well-known member
1. I want to learn how to create a bronze-y face to look healthier
2. No more impulse buy. Only buy what i will really use, (which means no more bright colours for me
3. I want to learn how to apply false lashes too!! and dare to wear them out

4. I want to wear eye makeup to school too. All my classmates don't wear makeup.. So i never dare to wear anything obvious.. only apply a tinted moisturizer and blush
5. And buy some reflects glitters
that will be so fun!!

I think that's all i can think of now..


Well-known member
Resolutions 2009

1 - Stick to a monthly beauty budget - be it MAC or Sephora or CCO's or Nordstrom or even RiteAid (I spent ALOT of money in 2008 on products, brushes, etc - whoa)
2 - Nail down my skin care routine/products that work, invest in facials - they make the makeup look better!!
3 - Mix up the morning routine - I'm going to stop doing my eyes first and see how it changes my choices... the new order being: foundation, concealer, brows, blush, lips, then eyes last. I've done it a couple times and I love how deciding what blush I want to wear first makes everything else feel new.
4 - Put on my lipstick before I leave the bathroom and commit to reapply throughout the day. (my mom would always do a full face minus her lips then put her lipstick on in the car, etc... I noticed that I have taken that on and that I think I'll do my lips later but I don't or I'm not consistent.) I wish pro-longwear wasn't so drying - perhaps I'll try to experiment with it!
5 - Perfect the art of blending... be it blush, shadow or foundation - buff that poop in!
6 - Learn how to get a quick drop-dead-gorgeous winged liner for my eye shape
7 - Stop going to mac counters multiple times a week - seriously calm down.
8 - If I don't love it - sell it, swap it, let someone else enjoy it!
9 - Organize my stash - notice what I have tons of - to avoid dupes, display things in my own drawers so that it feels like I'm shopping!
10- Rock the perm collection - there's good stuff in there.
11 - Smile at myself more as I'm getting ready!


Well-known member
- not get sucked into new collections because they are OMG NEW!
- buy less MAC, more MUFE and Nars
- find suitable storage for all my MAC and other makeup
- make an effort to actually use the products I have


Well-known member
1. Master those falsies
2. Purchase more brushes
3. Purchase more pro pan e/s's
4. Do something with my brows
5. Visit the pro store again and actually write a list of the stuff I want
6. This is no MAC related but get some highlights in my hair, I'm so bored with it and my bro just got pink in his hair so now I feel motivated lol.


New member
1. I want to buy more pigments.
2. I want to learn even more make up techniques.
3. Create a better budget, so I dont lose my mind at MAC.
4. Wear more colors, even if I'm just going to work. I'll just be extra fabulous that day

Tudor Rose

Active member
1.Learn how to do my crease properly
2. Set a budget and stick to it
3. Learn how to contour my cheeks
4. Stick to my skincare regimen
5. Stop getting caught up in the LE's


Well-known member
1. Invest in more brushes (like a backup #217 and a full size #187!)
2. Buy and wear falsies more often, take better care of said falsies
3. Re-organise my pro-palettes, and start 1 more 15 pan.
4. Buy Fix+!! Stop going into Mac to buy and getting distracted by pretty, shiny colours!
5. Look into getting more permanent line colours - Patina, Cork, Mulch etc


Well-known member
1. Actually wear the makeup I own
2. Use all the eyeshadows I have, instead of just having them sitting pretty in pallets.
3. Find a foundation I can stand to wear everyday
4. Depot the 8 eyeshadows I have sitting around so I can go get free stuff

5. Take pictures of all my makeup, maybe start a database

I think that's all...


Well-known member
Not buy unless I'm gonna use it often, or it's unique enough to justify it.
Not buy lip or cheek products unless it's something I really REALLY love.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
1. Not to buy anything new that is already similar to what I have.
2. Enjoy the new things that I buy.


Well-known member
1. Stop thinking neutral e/s are boring

2. Get up early and apply my makeup before I get to work (not at job), so I can use non-mac colors because they don't fit in 4-pan pallette.

3. Find my HG nude pink lips ( found the nude one)

4. Stop gettting mad at people when they comment on my addiction. For example, my mom recently said at the x-mas table, "you have a small fortune in makeup", I wanted to say, "you have spent a small fortune in lottery and the casino, so who are you to talk" (But I didn't, the thought ran across my mind though).

5. Find a tinted moisturizer/foundation for Summer 2009

6. Do more face charts that MAC puts out or magazine/celebrity pics that I find in mags.

7. Use more than 3-4 eye colors to do looks, so I can use the stuff I have to buy more without feeling guilty or stupid for having 2-3 dupes of stuff.


Well-known member
1. Get up in time to wear makeup everyday.
2. Learn how to put on individual eyelashes
3. Use bolder lip colors. I always stick to the neutral.


Well-known member
1. Stoping buying backups!
2. Depot MAC blushes asap
3. Get up earlier to both wear make up and do my hair.
4. Use what I already have and don't buy dupeable LE colors just because they are new.
5. Experiment new lipstick + lipgloss combinations

I guess that's all, I wish you all good lucks with yours


Active member
Wow I am a newbie and can't believe it has taken me this long to find Spektra!! Jeesh...but boy does it make me excited about 2009
(yes I am a bit corny...lol)

1. I want to take this craft/obsession with makeup more seriously and focus on technique, technique, technique!

2. I want to learn how to press pigments and buy more of them.

3. I also want to learn to set a monthly makeup budget, stick to it, and use it to expand my collection not buy repeats.

4. I want to do what I need to do to get my pro card!

5. I want to start building up my portfolio and see if I really have what it takes to take this thing to the next level. So pictures, freebies, classes....fotd's for y'all to critique!

6. I would like to do my face every morning, and appreciate feeling fabulous for noone else but myself!

This year its all about going hard or going home!!!!
