What Do You Call Your Grandmother? Just Learned I'm Going To Be One


Well-known member
My (mom's side) grandmother is Nanny, and the other one is Nanny Marg. My grandfather (mom's) was Poppy, and the other is Poppy Adrian. My whole family (both sides) use the Nanny/Poppy monikers.

I like GG as well! I guess I'll be a Nanny SOMEDAY, since that's what I'm used to!


Well-known member
Congrats on the happy news!
My grandma just passed away a few months ago, but we called her "Big G", I guess a little gangsta twist on "Grandma"!

But as one poster has pointed out, sometimes the name is chosen for you by your grandkids- like I know my husband's nieces and nephews call their grandmas "Black grandma" and "red Grandma" due to their hair color!
It's just so cute what kids come up with sometimes!

Anyways congrats again!


Well-known member
Congratulation on the new baby! My grandmother on my mother's side we call Granny or Oma (Dutch for grandmother). My dad's mother we called Mãe (pronounced my) its Portuguese for mother.