what eye/cheek w/ PINK Lips??


Well-known member
i got this FABULOUS new pink l/g from dior this weekend, plastic gloss #464 madly pink:


but it's so bright that when i wore it today w/ the nars rated R e/s duo and it seemed to clash w/ the rest of my face *_*

i'm NC43. any suggestions are greatly appreciated! thanks in advance


Well-known member
Maybe a taupe-y brownish natural looking eye (i'm thinking in the lines of Shroom and Coco pigment) with a light pink blush (like MAC Cute)


Well-known member
I would have to agree with the poster above. I would downplay your eyes, no bright shades, maybe just some neutrals. Then use a pink shade blush, slightly lighter application than the gloss.


Well-known member
^^Agree with above. Also, how about just a simple eye with a tiny bit of Shroom as a highlighter and (if you feel 'naked' without another color for depth) Wedge in the crease (ever so lightly). Eyes lined in a cat-eye swoop of black liquid eyeliner. Think retro with a pink pout twist. Give your lashes lots of mascara or a set of falsies. For cheeks, a TINY bit of Dollymix blush (tap brush to remove excess-- you want healthy color, not deep blush since your lips are going to be your focal point). Highlight lightly with Porcelain Pink or Lightscapade on cheekbones for 'glow'. HTH!


Well-known member
You can do a black cats eye, a monochromatic pink face (Pale pink eyeshadow etc), OR if you want to do something with NARS Rated R or a bright color use it as an e/l