What happens @ UPDATE?


Well-known member
you check out the new stuff, you do makeup rotations on each other, you play games involving makeup facts (like family fued, jeopardy, etc.). its a really long day that never seems to end, but its cool to see all the new and upcoming products/colors.

Sass E

Well-known member
We don't get to keep any product but it's still a lot of fun


Well-known member
this time i went to the training center in chicago for update, and they had a viva glam garage sale. product from past updates, extra gratis, etc. were all super discounted to buy, with the money raised going to the chicago aids walk. whatever was raised mac was matching 100%, so i got super cheap stuff and it all went to a good cause. our update class raised the most, so yay for us!

powders, brushes and blushes were all $4 (i scored 3 of the couture mystery powders in the heavy black packaging), pigments and shadesticks were $3, shadows were $2. and they had some lightful products like the asia exclusive foundation.

almost all of the products were gently used, but whatever. i was finally able to get overcast shadestick, and the long gone #186 (like the #180 but on steroids


Well-known member
You'll love Update!

You'll learn about new trends / refresh current ones

You get to see the new collection products, learn the prices, info and have masterclasses using them (done by trainers).

You will have refresher training (aspects of Basic) and do workshops around them

You will get to 'do makeup' on others

Meet other ppl from your Region

Share tips and tricks

Pick up some goodies and learn alot!

Take your brushes - Have fun xxx


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
this time i went to the training center in chicago for update, and they had a viva glam garage sale. product from past updates, extra gratis, etc. were all super discounted to buy, with the money raised going to the chicago aids walk. whatever was raised mac was matching 100%, so i got super cheap stuff and it all went to a good cause. our update class raised the most, so yay for us!

powders, brushes and blushes were all $4 (i scored 3 of the couture mystery powders in the heavy black packaging), pigments and shadesticks were $3, shadows were $2. and they had some lightful products like the asia exclusive foundation.

almost all of the products were gently used, but whatever. i was finally able to get overcast shadestick, and the long gone #186 (like the #180 but on steroids

That's amazing! They should do that at more locations, think of all the $ they could raise.