What is your work like at MAC?


Well-known member
Hey - you just got hired, right? Don't freak out about it... you'll be fine. Your "duty" is to show people what MAC products can do to the very best of your abilities. You'll go to Basic Training and they'll go through a whole mess of stuff, you'll have a blast and you'll learn as you go. The biggest thing to keep in mind when you're new is the sanitation procedures. Until it becomes automatic, just always put yourself in the customer's shoes if you're about to try something on them and you'll remember what to do. You'd want a clean product on your face, right? Just remember, wipe dry stuff off and dip wet stuff and pencils in alcohol - and for stuff that you can't do either to there will be a sanitary tester.
The more boring and mundane stuff that has to be done daily at the counter (schematics, blah blah blah0 usually gets divvied up between the staff.


Well-known member
You're going to have a tonne of fun. Just remember, come hungry. There's food everywhere. And ask lots of questions!


Well-known member
This was (and still is) my experience...your mileage may vary:

Typical day at a MAC counter (weekday):

Clean....stock...help a customer...clean some more...schematic...help customers...shave lipsticks...clean again...help more customers...stock again...re-schematic....clean...

Typical day at a MAC counter (weekend/holiday/event):

Do makeup....help customers....do another makeup....another makeup....grab something for a customer with one hand while doing yet another makeup with the other...YET another makeup...break...another appointment....lunch (maybe..this is not guaranteed esp if the counter is crazy)....help customers...clean your brushes...hope and pray your feet hold out until it's time to leave....go home and pass out!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
This was (and still is) my experience...your mileage may vary:

Typical day at a MAC counter (weekday):

Clean....stock...help a customer...clean some more...schematic...help customers...shave lipsticks...clean again...help more customers...stock again...re-schematic....clean...

Typical day at a MAC counter (weekend/holiday/event):

Do makeup....help customers....do another makeup....another makeup....grab something for a customer with one hand while doing yet another makeup with the other...YET another makeup...break...another appointment....lunch (maybe..this is not guaranteed esp if the counter is crazy)....help customers...clean your brushes...hope and pray your feet hold out until it's time to leave....go home and pass out!!

You nailed that one! Sometime events get so busy! You realize that you just worked 8 hours and didn't take a break to eat or use the restroom once. Serious bladder abuse!

There was one event night in particular that it was like 30 something degrees out at the end of my shift. My feet hurt so bad, that at the end of the night I peeled of my high heels and walked barefoot on the freezing pavement, just because it helped dull the pain. Then I got home and was so tired and hungry, I ate dinner in bed with my eyes shut and half asleep
Don't let me scare you! Those events are far between. It isn't a norm.

You will have fun at basic. Like they said, ask lots of questions. You will find that a lot of folks are in the same boat you are. And hell yeah, there is always lots of food, so dig in!

Maxcat has great advice about the sanitation. That is easy to forget in your nervousness as a new MA at the counter. That is one way to really turn off a customer!

Most importantly, have fun! Give us an update. Let us know how it goes. Good luck girl!