what kinds of products make skin glow in photographs?


Well-known member
This is the type of glow that im trying to achieve:
I wanted to try revlon illuminator thing but it has spf in it so won't work in photos!



Well-known member
vanilla pigment mixed with your foundation
strobe cream under your foundation
a nude colored skinfinish
pink opal pigment (a very tiny amount) mixed with your foundation


Well-known member
The SPF thing is a misconception! Everyone is soooo against SPF, and it's not a problem, it's other mineral ingredients that are the problem.

If you're talking about the Revlon SkinLights, they are so beautiful! I use it almost every day. I have the creme one...just make sure it more or less matches the colour of your skin or you'll still end up looking ghosty.


Well-known member
Try strobe cream & fix+ or iridescent pressed powders! I've heard MSF's work great too.. good luck on finding them if you don't already have on.. I want one =(


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Amaranth
The SPF thing is a misconception! Everyone is soooo against SPF, and it's not a problem, it's other mineral ingredients that are the problem.

If you're talking about the Revlon SkinLights, they are so beautiful! I use it almost every day. I have the creme one...just make sure it more or less matches the colour of your skin or you'll still end up looking ghosty.

SPF, if it's a physical blocker, will reflect flash photography and therefore make you look washed out. Not a fallacy. However, you're correct in that some other minerals (mica!) will also reflect flash photography, causing the same problem.


Well-known member
I say use the skinlights since you have it, I mix it with my moisturiser and have never come out looking ghostly in club pics.