What MAC eyeshadows are closest to these 2 in the 88 shimmer palette?


Active member
I'm looking to find the closest mac eyeshadows to these two in the 88 shimmer palette (not the original/matte one). I really like both of them, I'd just like to find the closest thing to them in better quality. Pic here: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_OMEfZfdUmVs/TN1dLB9Z4vI/AAAAAAAAAMg/WTHoWYh7CX0/s1600/88+Ultra+Shimmer.jpg

They are both browns in the 2nd colum from the right.

The first colour is in the 2nd row down. Its a kinda of a medium shimmery golden brown. There are no orange tones in it at all and its kind of a dirty gold, I think there's even a little bit of silver to it. I have woodwinked and patina and neither are very similar to this. I like them but I'd like something less orange-gold for day as I'm very pale. From looking online I wondered if Era would be good?

The other colour is in the 5th row. It is a dark brown with a red undertone. Its not overly shimmer and the red comes out more as you blend it out which I like. The lid stays pretty dark brown. I was thinking twinks or sable but I dont know if they're dark enough or even brown enough. I have mulch but find it better for the crease/v rather than the lid. Also its not as red brown, its a little too golden.

Also, does anyone have any recommendations for a taupe/silver brown lid colour thats cool toned. I have satin taupe but its a little purpley. I like it but would like an alternative that more brown. The closest I found to what I was looking for was twillery but that was limited edition - seen here: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_aQHAOd7n7rM/TLa0f-TzB_I/AAAAAAAAAHA/OsCPy7az-jc/s1600/Shimmer+palette.jpg )

Any other recommendations? I am very pale with pink tones. I dont wear mac foundation so can't reference colour but I'm the lightest shade, "shell" in estee lauder double wear. I have dark brown, almost black hair and blue eyes.



Well-known member
era is REALLY light, and not that shimmery. i don't think youll be happy with that.

I don't think there's a permanent color for the one's you're looking at...

the first color you're asking about looks a lot like "hard to please", a limited color, you may be able to find on ebay

you might have luck with "smut" (permanent) for that 2nd color


Active member
Thanks, era is lighter than I thought. I will check smut out, and hopefully I'll find something like the first colour in some limited edition shade. I heard urban decay mowie wowie is similar but I dont know if its too light and also heard it's a bit chunky.

Do you know of any paler gold as an alternative for day as a lid colour? Something like retrospeck (no orange gold hue) but a nicer texture? I have patina and naked lunch

Thanks again!