What not to do during your interview...


Well-known member
My manager interviewed a girl last week.
It was the second, one on one interview one has to go through before getting hired to work for MAC.
It started out well, and really professional. By the third question, the candidate started sobbing. My manager, confused and shocked, trying to refrain from laughing, and striving to maintain her status as a professional, handed her a tissue, and asked if it was ok to continue. The girl said yes.
Several questions later, the girl starts sobbing again. My manager finally asked what was wrong. The girl said " My..my..my bunny!" and continued sobbing. Confused once again, my managr thought the girl was refering to her bf, or to her hubby, or a nickname she gave someone. The girl finally says, crying her eyes out:
"My mom said that if I left my house to come to this interview today.....my little bunny would feel lonely and die." Not knowing what to say, my manager told her to go check on her bunny and that we would call her back.
So, first things first, no crying! You're getting interviewed!
Secondly, no cursing! No matter how comfortable the managers get with you during your interview, do not let "Fuck it man!" slip, AT ALL!
Thirdly, fill in all the application forms handed to you when you go deposit your C.V at the counter! NO QUESTIONS ASKED! Do not sit down on that chair, and start filling out the papers, only to say "My god, my god, ths is long! Are you sure my C.V isn't enough? You know what? Forget it!*sigh* This is way too long, call me if there is a position that's available".
No, we will not call you. You DO NOT want this job if you couldn't take 10 minutes of your time to fill out all the papers. We need to know if you have worked for us before.

Next-Group Interviews!!!! Yay!
K, Please please be on time!!!! Nothing is worse than coming in 30 minutes late, because you couldn"t find parking, and walking into the facility, with 5 trainers looking at you, and 10 candiates staring at you, giving you the "Ha-Ha!" look. We will not stop the interview process to ask how your day went, and to start from the beginning.
And if it happens that you are late, DO NOT interrupt the interview by announcing why you are late. It's finished for you at this point.

Secondly, for the love of god, turn your cellphone off! This one might be obvious, but a girl actually answered her cellphone, got up, and left to go talk. When she came back, one of the trainers (he's hilarious!!!!) actually said "You got to be kidding me!" when she even thought of sitting back down.
Wait for you turn to speak, do not speak over someone else, do not interrupt a girl's answer, to not speak bitchily to anyone, only to prove that you are the best one in the room. You will not get a callback!!!
But most importantly never , ever say " If a client is ugly, and we can't do anything about it, I am going to tell her". No MAC girl speaks like that! Wash your mouth with some soap!

Artists, post your hilarious moments during your interviews, but most importantly, post...

What one shouldn't do during the process.....


Well-known member
I'm only an artist but hopefully someday I'll move into a position that requires interviewing. Anyhow, along the line of your topic, how about some "What not do do at basic/what not to do period." tid-bits!

Don't tell the lead trainer "I've never applied lips on anyone." After you've somehow managed to get a job that a TON of people interviewed for. Our poor trainer looked like she had just seen a ghost.
Don't sit there and "whisper" crap about the trainers after they have given you input that you clearly need. You're not being discreet.
Don't start off your first day on a job by complaining about every little task, there are a million people that would gladly do it instead of you


Well-known member
Don't use the counters brushes then not clean and sanitize them, we have had 3 interviewees do than in a row, what was worse is one dropped a brush picked it up and kep using it, GRRRROOOOOSSSSEEEEE


Well-known member
During my group interview I was in a room of about 50 other girls and including myself only about 5 wore any kind of make-up. Needless to say if you want a job working with MAC ... ummmm really people?! lol Of course the other extreme is the people who come in and do a little too much and wind up looking a lil drag! Don't be scary, be trendy.

I noticed a lot of people tend to not take these interviews seriously and think that working for MAC is just some cool job but it's retail so they can walk in like they're interviewing for a cashier position at any old store in the mall. If you don't understand that MAC is a global company and it IS a serious job, don't apply. There's too many dedicated artists who take their job VERY seriously.

If you do get hired the biggest "DON'T EVER DO THIS!" is telling everyone your business haha. That's really in any job though, on your first day I shouldn't know all your drama with your boyfriend and how you hate that girl who just walked in.


Well-known member
When you are doing your makeup application demo, do not kick your shoes off and continue the application barefoot.

Do not lick your finger to fix a smudge on your model's skin...It does not matter if it's your sister.

Do not have an attitude when asking for or dropping off an application...we WILL tell the manager that your attitude sucks...thanks.

I think we all know that it's not good to blow on brushes or your model's skin.


Well-known member
Telling me that you've quit university four times and have never held a job for longer than six weeks is not going to convince me that you have job dedication, even if you assure me that you're 'like, really into the whole make-up thing'.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac

Do not have an attitude when asking for or dropping off an application...we WILL tell the manager that your attitude sucks...thanks.

OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
I thought of another one...
Turning your cell phone onto vibrate is not the same as turning it off. Not only canines can hear it vibrating in your purse. Also, if you're at training and everyone else tells you we can hear it, don't figure that we have better hearing than the trainers and that they are somehow deaf to the sound. Turn the f-ing thing off, you're interupting everyone.


Well-known member
I'm only a consultant, but from what my manager has dealt with- please clean up after yourself. It's really rude to do a demo and then leave all your crap for someone else to clean up after you've left.


Well-known member
Do not come in with an "I went to makeup school and trained with a makeup artist for 7 years, therefore I am worth more than any counter girl or interviewee you guys have seen till now".
If you have a makeup backround, that's great! It can really get you far. However, consider how you present your makeup knowledge, and try to keep that ego under wraps.