What R The MAC Must Haves (Any Item) For A NC43-44???


Well-known member
At one point I was NC42 (midway losing my tan), and these are my top 3s of each:
e/s: Bronze, Nocturnelle, Knight Divine
lip colours: sophisto l/s, ornamental lustre/g, midimauve l/s

& I don't wear any l/s, so I don't have any pencils! unless if you meant e/l pencils, which I do wear...
e/l: engraved p/p, bountiful brown p/p, stubborn brown p/p


Well-known member
i am nc45
e/s: soba, amberlights, carbon, espresso, contrast, humid, vex, sketch

lips: mad cap, beaux lustreglass, plastique lipstick, nymphette

lip pencils: hodgepodge, chestnut, mahogany, cork

cheeks: blunt, tantone, gingerly, sweet as cocoa, flirt n tease, coppertone, sunbasque