What should I do?


Active member
so yesterday i got my face waxed for the second time...and today im seeing so many bumps on the side of my cheeks..even my husband noticed..he thought it was a allergic reaction...it doesn't hurt or anything...basically i think im breaking out.i don't know what to do..anyone experienced this...
the lady put some gel after waxing..but thats about it...
im worried


Well-known member
you're skin is just sensitive. Don't let them put any lotion or gels on after waxing. If anything just put alcohol

for now, keep that bumpy area clean (keep rubbing with astringent or something) it should go away soon

Good luck


Well-known member
yeah it should go away soon....I used to get my upper lip waxed occassionally and I always had major breakout afterward everytime...it would always go away in 2-3 days...But after about the third time I just stopped doing it. I put champhorphenique (sp) on mine and that is what helped it dry up quickly


Well-known member
my mom goes through that all the time.The lady who does it just tells her not touch it and itll get better.Its cuz maybe u got sensitive skin.


Well-known member
I would recc not putting alcohol on your skin at all...sorry just my opinion, as far as I know, alcohol strips the natural oil in your skin and your skin compensates by producing an excess.
Like people have said, try not to touch your face afterward. Also, try to go to the salon with a just cleansed and lightly moisturized face (use a good anti bacterial face wash like cetaphil)
If you feel its not zits, but rather just little bumps of irritation you can put a cool clean washcloth on your face right after, as that will help soothe your skin.
I personally like the gel they put on my face after threading and waxing
but thats just me...I feel it really helps!


Well-known member
HAHAHA omg that drives me crazy!! I hate when people touch my face....my kids at work know better than to try that on me lmao....


Well-known member
When I got my face waxed I got wax rash that led to hyperpigmentation. So for me, even though the bumps go away quickly, the marks last much longer. Instead, I get my face threaded--no rash, smooth skin, super quick, and no possibility of double dipping! The pain on the upper lip is another story though. But remember, it's over SUPER QUICK!


Well-known member
i would try some tee tree oil to cleanse that sensitive area. put a q-tip in some water and dip the wet q tip in the tee tree oil and rub it on the area. tee tree oil is an antiseptic so hopefully this helps.