What to buy at Somerset Mall!!! (Help!)


Well-known member
Allright, longggg time no post on here! LOL anyways, today is my birthday and tomorrow I'm taking a trip over the border to Somerset Mall in Troy. Now I already have it shoved in my brain that I will get one piece of jewelry from Tiffanys. I have 500 taken out for shopping and some money on my visa. I also need to go get my free glosses from Sephora hehe. Now I was thinking of getting these if Saks has them in stock, would you say its worth it? Or should I spend that on something else..

Yves Saint Laurent - Tribtoo Pumps - Saks.com

Also, is Tory Burch good quality? I was thinking of getting some of her stuff.

Allso, what are some necessities needed for fall?!