what to get your loved one for xmas?


Well-known member
So ladies, its the time of the year. I know we all love shopping for ourselves, but what do you have planned for that special person in your life? because im not really sure what to get my bf. .

this is what im thinking about getting him. a pair of tiffanys cufflinks(as pictured below) or a nice dress watch but im not sure what kind yet. but im afraid if i get him a pair of cufflinks. he might lose it. because, i sure did (accidently) throw away my tiffany's bracelet he got me for my bday. long story short. we went crabbing. as i was throwing the crabbing net over the pier the bracelet (heart Tag) got caught on the net and it went flying in the ocean in front of our faces. i was so freaking devestated. he wasnt mad at me. but i was sad.

so anyways give me some ideas if you can =) and we can help each other out



Well-known member
I get my bf the things that pertain to what he loves. He loves music, computers and gadgets. So I go along those lines. I would hate getting him something he would never use or secretly not like. LOL


Well-known member
My husband and I like to do 12 Days of Christmas where we hang our stockings and starting Dec. 13th, give each other little gifts to open every morning in the stocking. We have done lotto tickets, gift cards, starbucks cards, jewelry, etc....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blueyesdancing
My husband and I like to do 12 Days of Christmas where we hang our stockings and starting Dec. 13th, give each other little gifts to open every morning in the stocking. We have done lotto tickets, gift cards, starbucks cards, jewelry, etc....

That's a really cool idea.


Well-known member
Well, my boyfriend's birthday is relatively close to Christmas (haha...not really its Nov 11, but it's in the season now I suppose...)

And cuz I am rather short on cash now, I was going to get him a combo birthday/xmas gift/gifts.

I am knitting him some fingerless gloves, and some slippers, and I think I will buy him a celtic knot silver ring (he broke his old one a year ago and hasnt really gotten anything to replace it) or something else if anything catches my eye....

that and back massages and stuff


Well-known member
My boyfriend is in lovelove LOVE with cars. So I'm getting him a Boser Carbon Fiber Hood for his VW R32. I'm just happy I got a greast bonus this year!


Well-known member
Mine wants the James Bond dvd collection, but I have no clue what else to get him. It's kinda hard cause as of Xmas we'll have only been going out for 5 months.


Well-known member
I'm getting my fiancee the full set of Monty Python's Flying Circus dvds because I found them on sale for half price

I'm also (depending on my monetary situation) getting him a GPS system for his PDA, and possibly some cologne.