What's Your Favorite NARS Nail Polish?


Well-known member
I was just wondering what everyone's fav NARS n/p is/are, especially ones that are not easily duped by OPI and other brands.

Of course I like the standard Orgasm. I also like Madame Butterfly but I do find it a bit streaky.


Well-known member
I've seen that on a website but not in person. It looks really pretty.

I hear some of NARS n/p are hit & miss with different colors, some are great and some can be goopy.

I really like the new Night Rider out of the Night series. It has a nice shimmer without being so glittery. It didn't last as long as some but maybe I was rougher with my hands that week.


Well-known member
I have 9 of their polishes and don't have a problem with any of them (except holding a square handle takes a little effort) ..... my only other polishes that I own/use are OPI so I do know what a good polish is when I use one ;-)


Well-known member
Oh yeh, I love OPI and recently got hooked on Butter London. I really like the Night Rider and I was just thinking last night about putting it on again today.

I have been kind of rough on my hands and nails here lately. I've been attempting to go through some closets and pull out stuff to donate. While doing that today I broke my left thumb nail way down at the quick. I've glued it and trimmed it but I don't think that will hold, especially while keeping my almost 6 month old grandson all day tomorrow. If it starts to pull off more I will have to cut it down that low. I hate that.


Well-known member
Butter London has an interesting texture but I haven't liked any colours so far when I check the displays. .... re: your thumb - ouch!