When did you REALLY get into m/u?


Well-known member
How old were you?
I started wearing makeup at around 13 but I didn't go high end until I was 16.

What was your first m/u love?
Urban Decay and Lipsmackers

What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on (if under 1?)
You're too young to wear makeup!

Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you? (friends/family)
Yes (considering that the majority of my friends and my mom and sis are not into makeup)

Do you consider m/u to be an art?
Of course

Do you consider less is more?
It depends on where you're at...like for instance I think less is def more in the workplace but if you're going out then by all means go crazy.

If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"?

Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)?
I was a lipstick girl but when I turned 18 I became a gloss junkie

Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty?
I think it can help enhance it.

Or do you think that m/u is meant only to hide imperfections?
I also think it can be used to hide imperfections as well.


Well-known member
How old were you? just this year-15. :p

What was your first m/u love? hmmm...a silvery shisheido shadow. <33

What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on (if under 1? omg they hate makeup!

Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you? (friends/family) well considering i don't know many makeup savvy people yes but it doesn't say much.

Do you consider m/u to be an art?

Do you consider less is more?
NO! not for me at least

If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"?
haha i love bold colors. <3

Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)?

Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty?
of course!

Or do you think that m/u is meant only to hide imperfections?
no! it's great that it can, but my point of view of it is more along the art lines. :p


Well-known member
How old were you? 9

What was your first m/u love? Avon kiddie stuff & smackers

What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on (if under 1? My mom and dad were proud I was really "fem".. lol

Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you? (friends/family) So far yes - I have been doing faces since I was in highschool just for free favors and practice so.. From then on - I was then asked for weddings, proms, etc..

Do you consider m/u to be an art? Yes

Do you consider less is more? Depends because having the 'illusion' of havinh natural makeup is still the same bases as to bold makeup

If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"? Bright colors to me do stand out more ..

Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)? Lipstick girl

Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty? Enhances yes

Or do you think that m/u is meant only to hide imperfections? Proper blending and enhancing I would agree on the imperfections but every one has flaws - no one is total beauty IMO. Faults and flaws are beauty to me.. And REAL.


Well-known member
How old were you?

*I think 19 when I was relly started to buy high end, before that it was mostly drugstore, and only boring neutrals (only mascara and eyeshadow)

What was your first m/u love?

*duo e/s from rimmel (invite back then) in walnut pearls.

What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on (if under 1?

* WHOAHHHH who fell into the blusher???.. (grrr..)

Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you? (friends/family)


Do you consider m/u to be an art?

* it's an art, and it's fun!

Do you consider less is more?

* hell no! I believe in being different!

If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"?


Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)?

*mmm I'm not sure... I love both, but I don't really use them... when I do my makeup in the moring, I don' t put in on because I'm having breakfast right afterwards, when I arrive at work I don't put in on because I don't want marks on my teamug. later that day I am too busy to rum to the ladiesroom to put it on, etc etc...

Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty?

*yes, but also to be different.

Or do you think that m/u is meant only to hide imperfections?

* no!! makeup is ment to be fun


Well-known member
How old were you? 18

What was your first m/u love? mascara

What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on (if under 1? omg your eyes look huge

Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you?

Do you consider m/u to be an art? yes!

Do you consider less is more? yes!

If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"? no

Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)

Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty? sometimes

Or do you think that m/u is meant only to hide imperfections? nooooo


Active member
i was in the 8th grade and my mother said i had sensitive skin so she bought me a clinique lipstick and blusher. I've been wearing make up ever since. She also bought me a pencil eyeliner one summer so i could practice putting it on. my mother got me addicted to M/U.


Well-known member
Lets see...I first started wearing makeup my freshman year of highschool, but all I wore then was lig gloss and some shimmer eyeshadow. I didnt start wearing more than that until my junior year...

My first m/u love was RimmelLondon eyeliner. I still love that stuff.

Since I started getting into makeup at a slow pace, (just gloss and shadow, then slowly more) my mom didnt think much of it, she went shopping with me the first few times I bought makeup and helped me pick some stuff out.

I think my m/u application skills are pretty good, I do all of the makeup for my photography and for a few other photographers.

I do consider it an art. Not necessarily for my every day wear, but for all of the neat looks that I do, and for all of my photography it is an art! In my personal photography, I do more creative stuff (like that artistic makeup thread we had a while back).

Less is more...that depends really on the look you are wanting to acheive, and again if its just for an every day look or something for my photography.

I love love love lipgloss. I almost never wear l/s.

I absolutely think makeup can enhance natural beauty, but it can also be used for much much more.


Well-known member
<b>How old were you?</b>
uuuhmm about 14
<b>What was your first m/u love?</b>
mac!!! I've been obsessed since the beginning
<b>What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on (if under 1?</b>
I can't remember...but they probably said something on the lines of "you look stupid"
<b>Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you? (friends/family)</b>
I know for a fact that I'm better than my mom, I teach her though, so its nice to have a canvas sometimes haha...as for friends, I have a coupld that share the talent yet most still aren't that into it, just putting on foundation and mascara and such, I give just about everyone I meet a makover at sometime in their life haha
<b>Do you consider m/u to be an art?</b>
I beleive its a way to show you're personal creativity...its definitely something one must learn to improve at
<b>Do you consider less is more?</b>
It depends on what kind of mood im in
<b>If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"?</b>
not at all
<b>Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)?</b>
Both!!! I have an equal number of glosses and lipsticks
<b>Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty?</b>
I don't...beauty isn't meant to be enhanced...its something that comes to everyone naturally. Makeup is just a way of changing the way you look, usually for the better.
<b>Or do you think that m/u is meant only to hide imperfections?</b>
It really depends on the reason you wear it. I wear it because it makes me more confident and awake...but some people wear it to hide acne, blemishes etc.


Well-known member
How old were you? 15
What was your first m/u love? Revlon Moonbean (sp?) lipstick
What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on (if under 1?
Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you? (friends/family) YES
Do you consider m/u to be an art? YES, but not for me
Do you consider less is more? Definitely, not a fan of over the top colors and application, prefer a natural but dewey look, I hate seeing someone's makeup before I see them
If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"? YES, OH YES
Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)? I'm a gloss girl, I haven't worn lipstick in years
Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty? Yes, enhance, not overpower, the real you should shine through!!Or do you think that m/u is meant only to hide imperfections?


Well-known member
How old were you? sixteen.
What was your first m/u love? FL!RT aquavite dreamy eyes eyeshadow...it started my whole fascination with makeup haha.
What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on? my mom didn't really say much because the first time i wore makeup, my sister and i both did it...then my sister never did it again and i stuck with it everyday haha. my dad didn't really say much either.
Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you? no one else in my family wears makeup, so i suppose so haha. i only have a few friends that wear makeup

Do you consider m/u to be an art? most definately.
Do you consider less is more? no. haha i wear ALOT of it.
If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"? definately not. sometimes bright colours are TOO MUCH.
Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)? GLOSS. i <3 gloss.
Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty? definately.
Or do you think that m/u is meant only to hide imperfections? not ONLY for that, but it does do that as well haha.


Well-known member
How old were you? - 17. And I'm still 17. lol. But I'll be 18 in about 2 weeks.

What was your first m/u love? - eyeliner / "smokey eyes" (with just eyeliner and mascara)

What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on - my mom was in shock because I've never worn make-up in my life.

Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you? (friends/family) - nope. my make-up skills are terrible.

Do you consider m/u to be an art? - yes. it's a form of self-expression. it's like, your face is your canvas.

Do you consider less is more? - sometimes

If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"? - sometimes. lol.

Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)? - definitely a gloss girl. I hate lipstick.

Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty? - definitely. but for me, make-up isn't something I have to use to hide my face.

Or do you think that m/u is meant only to hide imperfections? - it can be used to do that, too.


Well-known member
How old were you? I've been wearing makeup since I was 13, but I would just use one eyeshadow color (brown), plucked my eyebrows (thin), wore lipstick (dark brown), and only wore pressed powder (mismatched CG brand). I REALLY got into makeup just last year... 11 years later!!!
What was your first m/u love? Cover Girl since my mommy used it.
What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on (if under 1? That dark lipstick looks ugly
Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you? (friends/family) Currently, yes. Everyone around me asks me to do their makeup now.
Do you consider m/u to be an art? DEFINITELY. It takes a skilled hand, technique, the right tools and colors. It's just like painting.
Do you consider less is more? Sometimes; it depends on what look I'm going for.
If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"? To me, dark colors are "more."
Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)? Both, worn together.
Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty? YES
Or do you think that m/u is meant only to hide imperfections? NO
What do you think? I think makeup is meant to enhance how one presents themselves to others, thereby instilling inner confidence and greater self-esteem.


Well-known member
How old were you? When I first started wearing it... about 12 and when I got addicted about 15

What was your first m/u love?
Stuido Fix Powder and Benefit stuff... I worked in Macy's so it was easy to become a junkie.

What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on (if under 1?
My mom calls me a junkie but fully supports me by buying me GC's now... she is actually the one who introduced me to Studio Fix 10 years ago, so it really wasn't a problem for her.

Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you? (friends/family)
Yes and no. I think mine tends to be more creative than some but I do admit that I notice BAD make up all the time... Good make up on others is hard to come by but when I see it I always pay attention and see if I can recreate it.

Do you consider m/u to be an art?
Very much so. I am trained in fine arts and have found that I prefer to paint in a live canvase rather than one on an easel. Color theory is color theory skin or canvas, it doesn't matter.

Do you consider less is more?
Sometimes, it depends on what your going for.

If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"?
No. It could just be MORE in general LOL

Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)?
I prefer gloss

Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty?
Or do you think that m/u is meant only to hide imperfections?
Mostly to enhance what is God given... and a little to hide blemishes.


Well-known member
Okay, I have two answers to this. When I first wore makeup, and when
I first got obsessed with makeup (collecting and stuff)

How old were you? 11
What was your first m/u love? Eyeliners liquid and pencil. This was the time I was trying to find my HG that worked for my Asian eyes. The liners would always smudge, fade, or chip. OH yeah, and dark lipliners that really stood out. LOL
What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on (if under 1? My mom helped me put makeup on!

How old were you? 15
What was your first m/u love? Urban Decay Shadows
What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on (if under 1? My mom liked it, my dad thinks I look like a circus performer.
Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you? (friends/family) Yes
Do you consider m/u to be an art? Yes
Do you consider less is more? No, I like things intense!
If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"? Yeah!
Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)? This is so tricky... I guess I wear glosses more.
Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty? Yes, but for me it's like surgery, really.
Or do you think that m/u is meant only to hide imperfections? It can do that too.

So basically, I started getting obsessed with makeup when Ulta had that BOGO free for Urban Decay! I bought $400 worth of stuff and got a nice head start and then just started becoming obsessed with makeup ever since. I only payed $8 per UD shadow back then. How freaking awesome was that! And I'm disappointed that it's not going to happen again


Well-known member
How old were you? 13
What was your first m/u love?
Some blue cream eyeshadow and red diva lipstick by rimmel

What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on (if under 1?
My mum laughed and said i looked pretty

Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you? (friends/family)
Not really, most of my friends have amazing makeup

Do you consider m/u to be an art?
In some aspects, like eyeshadow blending

Do you consider less is more?
Well, it depends how glam i feel..

If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"?
I love my brights.

Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)?

Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty?


Well-known member
How old were you?

What was your first m/u love?

What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on (if under 1?
The equivalent of "Oh.." they didn't really care

Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you?
Hells yeah!

Do you consider m/u to be an art?

Do you consider less is more?
Depends on what. More mascara = pretty. More foundation = bleck.

If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"?

Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)

Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty?
Yes, of course!
Or do you think that m/u is meant only to hide imperfections? nooooo

princess lissa

Active member
How old were you? I've been wearing makeup since I was really little for play time, but when I was 13 I started wearing it to school. It was real dark and heavy though.
What was your first m/u love? Jane makeup
What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on they said it was too dark.
Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you? (friends/family) Sometimes, my best friend does her makeup really well. She has a knack for putting together cool eyeshadow combos.
Do you consider m/u to be an art? Absolutely!
Do you consider less is more? Sometimes; it depends on what look I'm going for.
If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"? It depends on how you blend them and the colors that are used.
Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)?Depends on the occasion.
Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty? YES
Or do you think that m/u is meant only to hide imperfections? NO
What do you think? I think makeup is meant to be a fun way to show the world your style while making you feel good cause you know you look hot.


Well-known member
My first MAC purchase at 19 got me into make up. I get compliments all the time, alot more since I stoped using drug store brands. I like that fact the my make up stays nice all day itstead of fading and looking shitty.


Well-known member
How old were you?18
What was your first m/u love? l'oreal / neutrogena
What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on ? nothing i wasn't living with them by that time... my mom wanted me to wear make up since i was 15 , but i was a tomboy and wasn't into make up...

Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you? (friends/family) mmm my mother doesn't wear THAT much make up ...so i don't know
Do you consider m/u to be an art? of course!!!
Do you consider less is more? depends on the look you're trying to achieve
If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"? no
Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)? i HAVE to wear both together....
Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty? yes
Or do you think that m/u is meant only to hide imperfections? no
What do you think? i just think make up is a way to enhace beauty and express your creativity.


Well-known member
How old were you? 22
What was your first m/u love? Dior cocealer when I was about 13 I think and pink loreal shadow
What did your parental unit say when they first saw you w/ m/u on? nothing , I bought my first mu with my mam and she showed me how to put the mu for the first time.
Do you consider your m/u application skills to be better than those around you? (friends/family) I think a little bit yes , but only because most of my friends not really into mu .
Do you consider m/u to be an art? yes
Do you consider less is more? absolutely
If you do, does it also mean bright colors are "more"? in the most cases yes .
Are you a gloss girl (or boy) or a lipstick girl (or boy)? I prefer gloss on lipstick , but I really like lip conditioners
Do you think that m/u is to enhance beauty? yes
Or do you think that m/u is meant only to hide imperfections? no